Protesters spread over a crosswalk to draw more attention to their cause at the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins Nov. 10. They chanted, “Let Gaza live.”
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Posters cover a pole across the street from the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins Nov. 10. Some of these posters have photos of children with the headline, “Murdered by Israel.”
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Posters cover a pole across the street from the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10. This poster reads “bombs built in Colorado fall upon the ‘wretched of the Earth'”.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protestor leads the group in a chant at the “Die-In for Palestine” protest Nov. 10. Chants used included “free, free Palestine” and “not another nickel, not another dime; we won’t pay for Israel’s crime”.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protestor holds a plastic leg bone up at the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10. “I’m about peace,” he said. “They try to harm us when we resist.”
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protester holds a Palestinian flag up to the cars passing by at the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins in Nov. 10.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Protestors lie in silence for a ten-minute period with a sign that says “End the Occupation” at the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10. The protest alternated between these silent periods and periods of chanting.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Protesters lie in silence for 10 minutes during a die-in at the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins Nov. 10. “A ‘die-in’ is a form of peaceful protest that aims to visually portray what the weapons that Woodward helps manufacture do,” primary organizer Nika Linn said.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Protestors lay in silence with their signs and flags of Palestine for a ten-minute period during the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protestor holds up a Palestinian flag at the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protester stands with a sign and listens to a speaker talking about their experiences at the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins Nov. 10.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
Primary organizer Nika Linn explains to protesters the goal of a die-in at the protest at the Woodward headquarters in Fort Collins Nov. 10. “A ‘die-in’ is a form of peaceful protest that aims to visually portray what the weapons that Woodward helps manufacture do,” Linn said. “They murder people. They kill men, women and children.”
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie -
A protester speaks on his experience as a Palestinian-American during the “Die-In at Woodward” protest Nov. 10. He later led the group in chants like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.
Collegian | Cait Mckinzie
Gallery: Woodward Protest
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About the Contributor

Cait Mckinzie, Photo Director
Cait Mckinzie is a second-year student double majoring in art and journalism and media communication. She is one of two photo directors for the 2024-25 school year.
Despite growing up in Renton, Washington, Mckinzie knew she wanted to go to Colorado State University since middle school. She had only ever been to Colorado twice, but she visited campus once, and that was all it took.
At first, there wasn’t much in Fort Collins that Mckinzie was familiar with. But in high school, she was the co-head of visuals for her school newspaper, so she applied to The Collegian as a photographer to get back into a similar environment. Mckinzie was first introduced to photography by her grandfather, who has been a photographer most of his life. After he gifted Mckinzie her first camera in her junior year of high school, she began to take any assignment she could for her high school paper to improve her skills.
Of all the memories made in her first year at CSU, most of the interesting ones came from The Collegian. One Halloween drag show assignment, a lot of mentorship and a few months of practice later, Mckinzie found herself being offered the position of photo director for the next academic school year.
Mckinzie is excited for another year at The Collegian and aims to continue learning and growing during her time as one of the photo directors.