The CSU Marching Band parades through campus during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
CSU Sousaphones play the fight song during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
CSU Marching Band color guard members parade down the Oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
CSU marching band brings home the parade during the homecoming day parade. (Clara Scholtz | Collegian)
The Younglife club rides in the parade. {Anna Baize | Collegian)
The CSU Chinese Language Club parades down the oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
The CSU Chinese Language Club parades down the Oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018.(Anna Baize | Collegian)
CSU President Tony Frank carries a broom and dustpan while walking behind CAM the Ram to sweep up droppings from the parade route. (Matt Tackett | Collegian)
ASCSU President Tristan Syron and Vice President Kevin Sullivan ride on a float during the CSU homecoming parade. (Matt Tackett | Collegian)
Cam the Ram excites the crowd as he parades down the Oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
Equine Science members ride their horses through the oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
The Front Range Community College mascot gives high-fives as he parades down the oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
A girl in Northern Colorado Twirls group catches a toss as she parades down the oval during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
Black/African American Cultural Center members wave from atop their float during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12, 2018. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
Led by two horses, “Tony’s Squirrels” float passes through the homecoming parade Friday, Oct. 12. (Clara Scholtz | Collegian)
Cam the Ram makes his appearance in the homecoming parade. (Clara Scholtz | Collegian)
Students gather next to the homecoming bonfire. (Matt Tackett | Collegian)
A community member holds up their phone to record to bonfire. (Natalie Dyer | Collegian)
Fireworks after the homecoming bonfire. (Matt Tackett | Collegian)