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Nothing transports “adult” college students back to elementary school faster than a snowstorm. The night before a snowstorm is an unforgettable feeling packed with superstition. Whether it be wearing your pajamas inside out, putting a spoon in the freezer, ice in the toilet or the classic crossed fingers, snow days take on an otherworldly quality.
If the day before a snow day is immature, the morning of one is downright childish (in all the best ways)! Fort Collins seems to come alive during a snowstorm, whether it be with snowball fights, snow sculpting or skiing/snowboarding of some kind, there is always fun to be had. This “snowpocalypse” was different, as Rams celebrated in any and all ways possible.
Michael Marquardt, Ryan Schmidt, Gregory James and Pratyoosh Kashyap can be reached at photo@collegian.com.