Editor’s note: This is an ongoing breaking news story. There will be updates provided as they become available.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated to include a statement released by Colorado State University leadership, a statement posted to Lambda Chi Alpha’s Instagram page and a joint statement from Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Vice President for Student Affairs Office provided to The Collegian on Sept. 23.
Content warning: This article contains mentions of racism and blackface along with imagery and video that may be offensive to some viewers. All imagery and video was provided by a source.
The Colorado State University chapter of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity was reported to university officials Thursday morning for allegedly displaying a large flag featuring Uncle Sam painted with what appeared to be blackface.
Corey Valentine, a CSU student, first observed the flag at 11:58 p.m., taking several photos and videos in the process. He later returned to the fraternity house to take additional photos and videos.
“I drove around multiple times and was just like, ‘This can’t be up — this can’t be real,’” Valentine said.
Valentine then filed an incident of bias report with the university around 2:30 a.m. and received a follow-up email from a spokesperson around 8 a.m. Valentine returned to the entrance of the house at around 5 a.m. to find the flag removed.

Valentine also posted his findings to the social media site YikYak, where doubts about the authenticity of the photos quickly circulated. After posting the photos to his personal Instagram account, Valentine and another student, Matthew Bishop, met with members from the Black/African American Cultural Center, The Collegian and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
FSL was unavailable to provide a comment at the time of publishing.
The Collegian reached out to a university spokesperson for a comment following Valentine’s initial report.
The following statement was provided by a university spokesperson just after 8 p.m. Thursday.
“CSU has been made aware of the situation and is gathering information,” the statement reads. “The university stands strong as an inclusive space for all students and upholds the values represented by CSU’s Principles of Community.”
United Men of Color, a student organization linked with B/AACC, issued a statement condemning Lambda Chi Alpha.
“UMC has an unwavering commitment to creating safe spaces for all students on campus, and we will not be a partner in the silence that occurs when blatant racist attacks occur,” the statement reads.
Africans United and United Women of Color also released public statements.
“On behalf of the Africans United board, we unequivocally denounce the actions of Lambda Chi,” the Africans United statement reads. “Such behavior is entirely unacceptable and does not align with our values.”
A statement regarding the incident signed by CSU President Amy Parsons, Provost and Executive Vice President Marion Underwood, Vice President for Student Affairs Blanche Hughes and Vice President for Inclusive Excellence Kauline Cipriani was released on the official CSU Instagram at 5:15 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6.
The statement reads:
“CSU has received reports about a situation where a fraternity allegedly displayed a racially insensitive banner. CSU takes this incident very seriously.
“The university reviews all reported incidents and is currently working to gather facts and fully understand what happened.
“Regardless of how this situation occurred, it has resulted in real harm and pain to our students, staff and community. Students and members of the CSU community affected can seek support.
“While the facts are not yet clear, this is an opportunity for us to reiterate our values. Racism in any form is unacceptable, abhorrent and inconsistent with CSU’s Principles of Community.
“All of us share the responsibility across our community to build a place where everyone feels honored and safe. To do this, we must live our values.
“Rams take care of Rams.”
Valentine and Bishop said that after meeting and communicating with the various CSU offices, they returned to the fraternity house to see if anything had changed. Upon arrival, there was no poster visible, but Valentine and Bishop were reportedly approached and recorded, and members of the frat allegedly shouted slurs at them from their windows.
The fraternity members in the video repeatedly threatened legal action against Valentine and Bishop, claiming they trespassed and illegally filmed fraternity property. Members also accused Valentine of stealing the poster in question.
A Lambda Chi spokesperson referred The Collegian to the fraternity’s national chapter for comment. At the time of publishing, a comment was unable to be provided outside of business hours.
Around 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, Lambda Chi Alpha posted a statement to their Instagram page.
The statement reads:
“We wish to acknowledge the recent events. The circulating images taken of the recruitment banner are not representative of the banner that was painted. Which has been included in this post. It appears that due to rain and backlighting, the banner as a whole took on an augmented hue. We apologize for the strain that this has left on the CSU and Fort Collins community.
“Lambda Chi Alpha Gamma Pi Zeta at Colorado State University continues to support diversity and inclusion in all aspects within the community. We regret that any members of the community felt otherwise. We condemn racism, any kind of discrimination or prejudice. We will continue to strive to be a Chapter where all individuals feel accepted and included.”
Also on Friday, an anonymous YikYak post was made demonstrating an experiment testing the same kind of paint and banner material Lambda Chi Alpha used to make the poster. In the video, the material is dampened and put under similar lighting to mimic the conditions post-rainstorm on Sept. 5.
According to university policy on incidents of bias reporting, Valentine’s report will likely move to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs for further review.
On September 23, The Collegian received a joint statement from FSL and the Vice President for Student Affairs Office with a quote from Gamma Pi Zeta, CSU’s chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha.
“Lambda Chi Alpha apologizes for the strain that this had on the CSU and Fort Collins community,” Gamma Pi Zeta’s statement reads. “We are committed to making sure that Lambda Chi Alpha supports diversity and inclusion within all aspects of the community. With the open communications we have been able to have with (Valentine), we have been able to work through this situation and come to an understanding together.”
The statement also included a quote from Valentine.
“In my conversations with the president of Lambda Chi Alpha, Jace (Hurnblad), I have recognized that the fraternity themselves did not intentionally create a banner to portray blackface,” Valentine said. “With our discussions, procedures and open communication, they were able to recognize the unintended harms done while also coming to an understanding between all parties.”
Further, the statement commends students for speaking up about the incident and for the open communication throughout the investigation process, and it provided a closing statement from FSL.
FSL “reaffirms their commitment to and belief in engaging with all of our fraternity and sorority members to address racism and provide ongoing education to create inclusive communities,” the statement reads.
Updates will be provided as they become available.
Students and members of the CSU community affected can seek support through Student Support Resources or the Employee Assistance Program.
Reach Sam Hutton and Aubree Miller at news@collegian.com or on Instagram at @sam_hut14 and @aubree.miller07.
Steve French • Oct 3, 2024 at 11:09 am
Remember the antiwhite gaslighting done by Madeliene Kamberg and Kevin Melchior in this thread when they come appealing to you to “protect” them from antiwar protestors.
Madeleine Kamberg • Oct 23, 2024 at 10:01 pm
What are you talking about? Are you okay?
Shayne • Sep 8, 2024 at 7:55 am
After reading the article and reviewing these comments, I find it interesting that those associated with the fraternity in question employ the well-known and widely used DARVO technique.
DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.
Notice how they Deny the poster’s accurate representation in the photo (even though we can all clearly see), they Attack those who called them out, saying they ‘doctored’ the image, all so they can Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender. Those associated with the frat now want me (and you) to believe they are actually the victims, and those offended are actually victimizing them.
This is a very common strategy, and now hopefully everyone else can see this.
Lee S • Sep 8, 2024 at 11:03 am
Does the DARVO technique involve showing the banner during the day in proper light ? Curious the banner was up for one week and this is the first we hear of the racist claims
Collegian Alum • Sep 7, 2024 at 2:53 pm
It’s a shame to see this happen to the Collegian as someone who worked for them in the past. An article like this with poor reporting can result in serious lawful consequences! I hope they take better action about this, cause the collegian might not exist in the next year if this gets any bigger.
SHAUN JONES • Sep 7, 2024 at 2:23 pm
What is the verification process you put all stories through? There seems to be some doubt about the validity of the accusation. Hopefully a rush to get a story out didn’t compromise the process because the stakes are pretty high. Am interested to see where this story goes.
Lee S • Sep 7, 2024 at 10:01 am
Shame on you Collegian ! You didn’t even get the chapters side of the story. You should be held accountable for the damage done to the reputation of a group that leads Greeks in philanthropy on campus.
Amazing what passes a s journalism today just requires one accusation.
If you would have done you homework you would have known that Uncle Sam was colored tan and the night and back lighting altered the image.
I hope you print a full retraction when the truth comes out Or I hope Nick Sandman’s attorney contacts you
Fres • Sep 7, 2024 at 11:40 am
Also all the black organizations , Amy Parsons, and other gas lighters that jumped on the story I hope they also apologize to the fraternity
Dr. C • Sep 7, 2024 at 4:44 pm
It should not matter how it came about no organization has the right to harass or threaten anyone. Blackface is a practice of performers using makeup or burnt cork to portray a caricature of black peoples. The Tom Caricature portrays black men as faithful happily submissive servants. America in defense of slavery. How could slavery be wrong, argued its proponents, if black servants, males and females, were contented and loyal? So it does not have be brown or black why not leave it as it was then if nothing was wrong, why create a different color?
Steve • Oct 3, 2024 at 10:55 am
Why paint a white character with a white skintone? That’s your question?
Steve French • Oct 3, 2024 at 11:16 am
Are you a faculty member?
Anonymous • Sep 7, 2024 at 9:47 am
If the fraternity actually did this, why was it only seen by 1 person at 2:30AM? That’s a busy street with multiple Greek houses and Apartments. Do the writers of this article really think that only 1 in 1000 people would’ve taken a picture or said something? My vote is vandalism. (The bias in this article is sounding. Do better)
Luke • Sep 7, 2024 at 9:43 am
You really need to reassess this. If you look at the beginning of the video, with the light shining directly on it, the image on the banner is of the traditional Uncle Sam depiction. When the banner is BACK LIT, the colors are distorted and darker because light is shining through where it CAN. Additionally… look at the context surrounding the banner. In what world do you think we live in to where an organization would actually try to use any remote form of negative racial imagery to boost recruitment? If anything, those who are perpetuating this are trying to place fraternities into a box of your own narrative and bias. You don’t know these students, so don’t pretend you know their intentions. Where are their rights? ‘Rams Take Care of Rams’… riiiight.
Annie • Sep 7, 2024 at 2:30 am
Uncle Sam is a FICTIONAL character. Painting him black, white, blue, idgaf, is not racist.
Dan Cartin • Sep 6, 2024 at 7:53 pm
My son is in that fraternity. I’ve seen the actual recruitment banner. The face was not black. It was the traditional Uncle Sam likeness. The kid that made these accusations very clearly doctored the photos. Absolutely absurd.
Daniel Cartin • Sep 7, 2024 at 12:52 pm
I retract my statement that the kid that made the allegation doctored the photo. It was rain and lightning that darkened the face on the banner. Simple misunderstanding and case of social media getting everyone all riled up.
Absolutely absurd.
Can we please get back to educating our kids?
Tony • Sep 6, 2024 at 7:06 pm
What about this is racist? Uncle Sam is a cartoon, he doesn’t have a race. Everyone needs to get a grip.
Why do you care weirdo • Sep 6, 2024 at 7:05 pm
Fraternity and sorority life needs to go. I was in a frat when I was active and they actively covered up racism, sexual assault, and rape during my time and nobody would do anything about it from the useless fraternity and sorority life office and from the university itself when I reported it. This is just another example of why the institution on which it rests needs to end. How many more people are going to have to be exposed to racism, raped, or straight up die (look it up, happened in the 2000s at CSU) before we realize this as a community.
CSU RAM CAM • Sep 6, 2024 at 6:44 pm
It appears to be back-lit in the photo and video. Let’s just hope that’s the case, not an intentional malicious act.
Known only to God • Sep 6, 2024 at 6:44 pm
Can guarantee the office of fraternity and sorority like won’t say anything on this one. They are so hush hush and corrupt, it’s
crazy. Give all frats on campus the permanent ban and move on. They only cause harm to the university and inflate donation dollars from daddy’s checkbook to get tax write offs. No actual good in the community.
Kevin Melchior • Sep 6, 2024 at 10:02 am
To the commentors who are criticizing this article as “fake news” and claiming that the Collegian is being biased, take a breath. Consider how your comments fail to engage with the actual content of the article. Think about how you’re hiding behind cutesy anonymous handles like Mystery, Fake News, and ??? because you know that you are actively upholding white supremacy by marginalizing and minimizing the harm caused by Lambda Chi Alpha. Instead of coming into this comments section aligning yourself with a fraternity that was clearly in the wrong, look inward and reflect on why after reading an article about a racist act you feel compelled to defend the perpetrators. Be better.
Aaron • Sep 6, 2024 at 11:32 am
Why would a fraternity do blackface on a recruitment banner? Most historical instances are at parties. Would a fraternity associated with the school be as bold to use blackface as a recruiting method? Weird article need more facts.
CSU Dad • Sep 6, 2024 at 12:03 pm
You are implying that they are guilty. Wait until the police report comes out before claiming they caused any harm. From what I’ve heard, this is a Jesse Smollett-type incident by the people who filmed it.
Student • Sep 6, 2024 at 6:25 pm
I would implore you to check the photos before just believing what you hear. There is a full video reporting the story not only in the article, but also in the hyperlinks of the article itself. Lambda Chi made this banner and put it up, there doesn’t seem to be too much nuance to the responsibility here. They admit the banner is theirs in the video, and the first reaction being to call the police doesn’t scream innocence and misunderstanding. How are we even surprised? What do you mean a fraternity at a PWI did something racist? Let’s be honest with ourselves. And unless the university itself has actionable steps they’re willing to take, they should consider themselves just as responsible for perpetuating the idea that behavior like this is acceptable. I think we should probably stop defending grown men who should have some sense of accountability, instead of calling their “big time” frat lawyers and making excuses for them.
Madeleine Kamberg • Sep 6, 2024 at 7:31 pm
My friends and colleagues have been harmed. It’s not a question of “if.” Actions like this are historically tied to physical violence and when students don’t feel safe walking around campus, the sociological and psychological damage has already been done to our community as a whole.
Daniel Cartin • Sep 7, 2024 at 12:58 pm
Madeleine, if you are an actual member of this community and not a paid agitator, would you please share how your friends have been harmed? I can’t tell if you are referring to the members of the fraternity whose reputation have been damaged by this misunderstanding or someone else was harmed.
Dan Cartin • Sep 6, 2024 at 8:05 pm
Kevin, my son is in that fraternity, and I saw their recruitment banner. It did not have a black face and was the traditional Uncle Sam image. Either the kid that made these accusations doctored the photos that he posted in this article or someone painted over the banner. Either way, these kids did nothing wrong.
I would appreciate you retracting your statement about “a fraternity that was clearly in the wrong.” They clearly were NOT in the wrong. And now I have to be concerned about my son’s safety because people jump to conclusions without having all the facts.
??? • Sep 6, 2024 at 8:19 am
As a student organization you should be doing everything possible to remain unbiased and give accurate information. Throwing an innocent organization under the bus for an article title is wrong.
?! • Sep 6, 2024 at 10:15 am
I don’t know who taught you grammar and English, but the title is “CSU Fraternity accused of displaying racist imagery on recruitment banner.” The title does not imply anything about the situation, and merely says that the frat is accused of racist imagery (with images to back it up, I might add). It does not make any claims nor uses language that obscures the meaning.
!!! • Sep 6, 2024 at 12:57 pm
What is biased or inaccurate about this?
Steve French • Oct 3, 2024 at 11:11 am
Journalism is when you amplify baseless accusations.
Jacob • Sep 5, 2024 at 11:16 pm
Quoting yikyak is hilarious. No future in journalism lol.
CSU Student • Sep 6, 2024 at 2:12 pm
me when i’ve never seen a new york times article with a tweet embedded
Madeleine Kamberg • Sep 5, 2024 at 10:28 pm
For what reason would the commentators above me believe someone would go to such lengths to fabricate this story? And if there’s a place to submit a name on these comments, then why would you make the argument that none of this is real and claim the truth but then not stand by that “truth” with your identity on the line? Let’s put our on critical thinking hats here. Lambda Chi will have to decide, do they own it and claim free speech? Or do they get their members and associates to get on here and cry “fake news” ..? It can’t be both defenses. It looks like they’ve already chosen, and that they’re choosing the “deny deny deny” route. That gonna hurt even worse later on when they try to fight this with lawyers if it should come down to it. “Fake news” is not an argument, and ya’ll have now painted yourselves in a corner where it’s the only card you have because you’ve rendered all others useless by relying on a logical fallacy. You ought to be ashamed, first and foremost for thinking for even a second that something like this is okay and not considering how you might affect others and second for being so foolhardy that you can just pretend it didn’t happen and that that is some kind of valid defense. -Madeleine Kamberg
Dan Cartin • Sep 6, 2024 at 8:13 pm
Nonsense. Lamda Chi will neither “have to decide to own it and claim free speech” because they did not paint Uncle Sam’s face dark in the first place, and this is a completely unfounded accusation. I’ve seen their actual banner, and it was the standard Uncle Sam likeness. Either the kid making the accusation doctored the photo (in which case I hope they sue him for defamation) or someone else painted over the banner, and this is simple vandalism and the fraternity is the victim.
Fake News • Sep 5, 2024 at 8:39 pm
I can not believe that facts have not been checked before publishing fake news!!!! We are living in a cancel culture that can be absolutely damning to an organization that is innocent. I look forward to seeing the truth come to light and a public apology.
Madeleine Kamberg • Sep 5, 2024 at 10:32 pm
Quite a claim to make. Could you share your name please?
Real News • Sep 6, 2024 at 12:56 pm
Idk man this seems pretty real to me
Mystery • Sep 5, 2024 at 8:21 pm
Hey! So this is fake and it’s actually insane!
X • Sep 5, 2024 at 9:59 pm
What is it with CSU and Blackface?? Feels like this happens every couple years. What is the university doing to actually address systemic racism? Because from the looks of it, the answer is…nothing.
Madeleine Kamberg • Sep 5, 2024 at 10:31 pm
Quite a claim to make. Could you share your name please?
Naomi • Sep 7, 2024 at 9:35 pm
I’m sorry but wtf does their name have to do with anything? Stop trying to be all “I am better than you”
Madeleine • Sep 9, 2024 at 10:39 am
It’s not about “better” it’s about “credible”