OpenStage Theatre’s “Six Years Old,” created by Daphne Silbiger and directed by Kiernan Angley, is filled with many thoughts and ideas that go beyond the intimate performance space of the Foothills Unitarian, where it opened to the public Friday, Sept. 29.
For Adalaide (Trisha Gillin), the continuous thought of wanting to be a boy — more specifically Han Solo from George Lucas’ “Star Wars” — is at the forefront of her mind and is something she struggles to express on the outside. Moreover, Adalaide must deal with her babysitter Kim (Stevie Rose), younger brother Dewey (Caleb Gilbert) and mother Amy (Soleil Lean Geddes).
As the play commences, Adalaide enters by running on the stage toward the living room set in a baggy light green shirt and grey underwear, which are soon covered by tie-dyed shorts. Kim helps get Adalaide and Dewey ready for school; however, her sibling certainly does not make tasks easy for her, which is a recurring theme in the play.
There are mature themes, language and content that are consistently used to express Adelaide’s intense emotions. She curses and calls other people bad names, including her babysitter, Kim. Adalaide also takes drastic measures to make her thought of being Han come true after hearing about reincarnation.
Even though the characters are played by adults, the costumes help depict the young ages of the characters. Because Kim is a teenager, she wears a band T-shirt and jeans but is also seen later in the play wearing a leather jacket. Dewey, a four-year-old, wears an orange T-shirt and long white shorts. He is also seen carrying a teddy bear multiple times throughout the play. The mother, Amy, wears a blouse and dress pants.
The audience reacted with lots of laughter, whether it was from Adalaide singing “Papa, Can You Hear Me?” or Dewey’s constant confusion about Adalaide’s desire to be Han throughout her entire childhood.
The details of the play allowed the audience to feel connected and involved, as there were sound effects like a phone ringing and toilet water splashing. However, one of the most unique details was the voice-overs, specifically of a doctor providing imagery of a little girl getting used to cold weather.
The lighting provided warmth and brightness with an orangish yellow hue. The music in between scenes and for the final dance sequence with Adalaide utilized upbeat instrumentals. The full soundtrack is original music composed and performed by the local Fort Collins band Sick Trick.
When it seems like no one understands how Adalaide feels, Kim extends support for Adalaide throughout the play by listening to her, reminding her that she is perfect just the way that she is, giving her advice and standing up for her when life becomes a bit too overwhelming.
Ultimately, this support helps Adalaide express herself and finally be Han on the outside by wearing his vest in public.
“Six Years Old” is a vulnerable and serious yet comedic play that leaves audience members thinking and feeling proud to be who they are.
Reach Elesia Guerra at or on twitter @CSUcollegian.