Editor’s Note: The students quoted in this article are anonymous due to the illegality of the actions they describe.
Smoking weed is not always euphoric as intended.
Like with any drugs, bad trips happen. You can get too high, or your high can get interrupted by some unforeseen not-very-ideal circumstances. Regardless, here are a few students who shared their worst experiences with the recreational drug. So the next time you feel like your dying of cotton mouth and you can’t move or else the walls will inevitably cave in on you, you will know you are not alone.
Fun fact: According to Herb, cannabis users eat 600 more calories each day.
The student who underestimated the edible
A communications major from CSU went home to California over a break and decided to purchase a special kind of brownie. According to the student, she accidentally ate way too much of the edible delight. The product itself packed more of a punch than expected, causing her trip to the California fast food munchie favorite, In-N-Out, to be exceedingly difficult.
“I was sitting in In-N-Out, and all my hands and toes and everything started to melt,” said the student. “Someone had to carry me out of In-N-Out. That was pretty hectic. But I slept it off, and we are all good now. I did not smoke for a minute after that.”
Unfortunately, according to the student, she did not even get to eat the In-N-Out fries to ordered because she could not get the snack into her mouth, due to the hand melting.
“The whole thing was sus,” the California student said.
The student who dabbed and ate a grilled cheese
One day, a human development and family studies major decided to take the tiniest dab with an experienced friend who generously offered it to them. According to the student, they were feeling confident that they could handle the dab due to their previous multitudes of experiences smoking, but two minutes later, everything changed.
“I was sitting on her bed, and I was like, ‘Oh no…oh no, what’s happening,” said the student. “I stand up, and at that point, I was almost convinced I was sinking into the ground. My feet were getting stuck while I was walking. It literally felt like it took me 45 minutes to get up some stairs when it literally took me five.”
The student’s friend proceeded to make the two Velveeta grilled cheeses, which the students claims is the best thing they have eaten in their whole life, while the student sat on the floor and heard colors and saw sounds.
I reached a level of high I had never reached before.” -CSU human development and family studies student.
“I reached a level of high I had never reached before,” said the student. “I literally was like, ‘I don’t know where I am. I don’t know what time it is.'”
They also had a lot of trouble eating their grilled cheese sandwiches with altered motor functions, and the student had to text their partner to come pick them up.
“I was like, ‘I need you to come get me, 9-1-1 emergency, I can’t move,'” said the student. “And that was my one an only experience with dabs.”
The student who smoked out of an apple on a hill with Chris
In high school, a now ethnic studies student at CSU decided to meet up with a dude on a hill at a park in the middle of the night to hang out and smoke some weed. The student did not really know the guy, and although she was the inexperienced smoker in the situation, he was the one who came ill prepared without at mechanism to smoke out of. But thankfully, he did acquire an apple, so she watched as he (very classily) carved it out.
“So there we are, at the top of this hill, trying to smoke weed out of this apple,” said the student. “And all of sudden, my mom shows up.”
It turns out that while the two high schoolers were trekking up the hill in the middle of the night to smoke their ganja out of a fruit, the student’s mom had been tracking her daughter’s phone the whole time.
“She looks at this dude and she’s like, ‘Who do you think you are,'” the student said. “And he goes, ‘I’m Chris.'”
While wearing pajamas, the student’s mom instructed the boy to, “Get the fuck off this hill,” and the boy obliged by running away into the darkness. High and caught by her mom, the student immediately started crying and feeling the confused anxiety illness that comes with being stressed while stoned. Her mother took her home after having a conversation about the incident. She also told her to roll down the window if she was going to throw up.
“She is a great mom,” said the students. “I respected her for it. She told this story to a bunch of people the other night.”
Collegian reporter Miranda Moses can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @mirandasrad.