This ever-cheerful human disguised as a ram shows off dance moves to the Colorado State community, replete with high-octane energy. You have likely seen her or him at a myriad of games and other university-related functions.
I am referring to none other than Cam The Ram.
But who is the unseen person who inhabits the iconic costume?
Students have a plethora of theories.
Mo Jia, a third-year animal science Ph.D student, thinks President Tony Frank is the one busting the moves.
“I just feel it is funny,” Jia said. “If Tony Frank says I am the guy in the costume that would be interesting.”
“I just feel it is funny,” Jia said. “If Tony Frank says I am the guy in the costume that would be interesting.” Mo Jia, animal science Ph.D student
Many students think beloved entertainers have gone incognito as Cam.
“I think it is Marshawn Lynch with his sick dance moves,” said Jack Cavallaro, a junior mechanical engineering student.
For some, more controversial figures lurk beneath Cam’s costume.
“I am gonna say Donald Trump,” said Jessica Baker, a second-year civil engineering graduate student.
Baker was reluctant to cite the evidence, given the controversial nature of her selection. However, if true, Trump’s new motto will undoubtedly be “Make Rams Great Again.” So watch for the redesigned red ballcaps, fellow Rams.
Other guesses to Cam’s identity included Justin Bieber, Britney Spears circa 2007, Beyoncé and even Barack Obama. One student claimed that students with the worst GPAs are recruited to take on Cam’s persona. Apparently getting Fs pay off.

For some, supernatural forces are at work.
Josh Orellana, a junior neuroscience major, thinks Freddie Mercury’s ghost wears the iconic costume.
His proof?
“The flamboyancy and the perfect energy,” Orellana said.
That is not the only evidence.
“He told me himself,” Orellana added.
Cam stands for Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College, the school’s previous name. Cam was christened CSU’s official mascot by then-President Morgan in 1954. In addition to the costumed Cam, a real ram also features prominently at home football games.
Regardless of Cam’s identity, many students say his presence is a plus for the CSU community.
“I think it is fine,” said Orellana. “It energizes people at games…..I guess it helps sports teams, even though our football team is bad.”
Others are indifferent.
“I do not think there is anything wrong with a mascot,” Baker said. “Depending on what the mascot is.”
Nevertheless, Cam will continue to appear, carrying on a tradition for new generations of Rams. Perhaps Cam’s secret will be unveiled, perhaps not. But a university is nothing without good lore. For that we can thank the masked Cam.
Fun fact
- The University’s first mascots included a dog named Peanuts and a black bear cub.
Collegian reporter Mir-Yashar Seyedbagheri can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @dudesosad