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CSU softball struggles to score in loss to Boise State

Collegian | Ava Puglisi
Sydney Hornbuckle hugs a Colorado State University catcher after making a good play during Colorado State University’s softball game against Boise State University May 2, 2024. (CSU lost 9-3)

Colorado State started off its final home series of the year with a 9-3 loss to Boise State.

In the game, CSU had no trouble getting players on base. However, the Rams could not drive runners in. 


The Rams were able to go toe-to-toe with the Broncos in hits. The Rams had seven hits while the Broncos had 10 hits. However, the difference between the Rams and the Broncos was finishing at the plate. 

Two of CSU’s runs came from home runs from Sydney Hornbuckle and Peyton Allen and one run was driven in on a Hornbuckle single to left center field. The inability to capitalize with runners on base is what did the Rams in. The Rams had issues with base running and preventing the double. Multiple runners were caught were caught advancing on infield singles preventing any major scoring plays for the Rams.   

The Rams weren’t able to find the gap like the Broncos did. It seemed like any time the Rams made an adjustment, the ball would find a new hole to exploit; anytime the Rams moved the outfield in, the ball would sail over them. Even when the Rams moved the outfield back, the ball would land far short of any Rams, leading to multiple scoring opportunities for the Broncos.  

In the first inning, Hornbuckle got the start on the mound, but gave up three runs. Hornbuckle continued pitching into the fourth until she gave up three more runs and was replaced by Giselle Bentley.  

Bentley didn’t have the greatest day pitching either. She gave up two earned runs and had an ERA of 4.47. She would also be replaced after 3.1 innings by Delaney Saugstad in the seventh inning.  

Going down three runs in the first inning didn’t give CSU much momentum to work with. Even so, the Rams didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

“They’re pretty confident that they can come back,” coach Jen Fisher said  “They’re pretty confident that they know what to do they battle at the plate. They know they can put up big innings. They’ve done it before, so I mean, I think you saw calmness and aggressiveness. Our goal is always to knock out of the game and so we did that.”

One of the biggest hurdles in the game was the plate discipline. During the game the batters box was being called smaller than usual. While CSU struggled to adjust to the smaller size of the box, BSU was able to stay calm and be patient with it and used it to their advantage. 

“I would say it’s tough, especially that first inning because we didn’t know coming in, he didn’t have that small zone and then you have a team that’s being patient waiting for their pitch.” Hornbuckle said.  


Even with the loss the Rams aren’t looking back at this loss, but they are looking at the next upcoming games especially for their seniors. With this being the last home series for this season it will be the last time the seniors will be playing at home in Fort Collins.

“It’s a little emotional, but yeah definitely a little bittersweet,” Molly Gates said. “But we’re just gonna soak it in and yeah try to get these next few dubs.”

Reach Alex Graser at or on Twitter at @AlexGraser5354 

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