Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by The Collegian or its editorial board.
Over the duration of the academic year, we have watched as crowds swarm Canvas Stadium and Moby Arena to watch the football and volleyball teams fight their way to victory. Colorado State University students show tremendous support to intercollegiate sports teams, but what about the other teams?
CSU currently has over 30 club sports teams, most of which are student-led. The teams consist of popular sports such as soccer, baseball and basketball but also some unconventional sports, including esports and logging. These sports aren’t normally on every student’s radar, but the students who participate in the club have a passion for it. While some sports are competitive and include a tryout process, others, like the rodeo club, are open to those who have never competed before.
The club sports at CSU are incredibly successful. The baseball team has won six national championships, and the co-ed tennis team has competed in the last four national championships. However, even with all their achievements, they do not get a lot of recognition on campus. With all eyes fixed on the football and volleyball teams, it is easy to overlook the club sports that CSU has to offer.
Club sports at CSU are mostly self-sufficient. The women’s club soccer team relies on their own fundraising efforts to be able to travel to tournaments, including nationals. The team is student-led by passionate players who want to continue playing the sport they love.
Unfortunately, these club sports are often overshadowed by their intercollegiate counterparts. But with their self-reliance, incredible records and passion, CSU should show them more support. Faculty, students, alumni and the Fort Collins community don their CSU gear and cheer for the football team, but more should be done to support the club sports teams.
These players work just as hard as those who participate at the NCAA level. The students who play club sports for CSU dedicate themselves to their sport, playing for the love of the game. These clubs host practices, play games and participate in tournaments. Playing a sport at any level consumes a lot of time, and the participants of these clubs dedicate a large portion of their time to their sports. For all the work they put in, they deserve recognition as well.
It’s also not just the club sports that deserve more recognition at CSU. The student recreation center allows intramural sports teams to compete against each other. With over 30,000 intramural participants annually, these teams allow students of all skill levels to participate. With low stakes, intramurals focus more on the fun than the winning. However, winners do get a pretty sweet “IM Champ” shirt to wear around campus to show off their win.
Students can compete in teams for sports such as basketball or dodgeball, or they can even individually participate in events such as table tennis and esports. CSU tries to make these sports accessible to different experience levels, but with its accessibility and easygoing nature, intramural sports need more support, too. They allow for a fun outlet that students can participate in during the year.
CSU has more to offer than just the intercollegiate teams in terms of sports. With their passion and their dedication, they deserve much more attention from the student body. So go out and support CSU sports teams — whether they’re playing in Canvas Stadium or on the intramural fields.
Reach Hana Pavelko at letters@collegian.com or on Twitter @hanasolo13.