The Fort Collins building for the United States Department of Agriculture is closed along with five other buildings across five states on Tuesday due to anonymous violent threats.
According to a report by the Coloradoan, the building located about a half mile away from Colorado State University at 2150 Centre Ave. had signs taped on the doors Tuesday morning that said the buildings were closed and no one would be allowed inside.
A tweet by Denver7 shows a hand-made sign on the door of the B-building:
The Forest Service for Arapahoe Roosevelt and Canyon Lakes announced in a tweet that their Fort Collins offices were closed due to safety concerns.
The four other cities with closed facilities are Hamden, Connecticut; Beltsville, Maryland.; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Kearneysville and Leetown, West Virginia.
The Collegian is waiting for a statement by a USDA representative.
Collegian News Editor Seth Bodine can be reached at or on Twitter @sbodine120.