Editor’s Note: This content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by The Collegian or its editorial board.
Covering life and culture takes a great amount of respect and dedication not only for the sake of providing excellent coverage but also to learn and understand the topic you are approaching.
Throughout my time at The Collegian, I have had excellent opportunities in covering dinners held by cultural centers as well as speaking with directors and members of these cultural centers. With each interaction, I gathered plenty more information about heritage and traditions.
When covering culture, one must be hungry to learn. There’s only so much a reporter can preinterview, per se, but with culture, the desire to learn and understand variances in cultures is a must.
What about our shared local culture here in Fort Collins? What makes us, well, us? Some may say it’s the grotesque Thursday night bar crawl during Ram Band or maybe a collective of locals getting sunburned at Horsetooth Reservoir on a bright and sweltering Saturday afternoon.
This may be the assumption from an outside perspective. But in reality, our culture comes from the students who move from their own hometowns and countries to begin their next milestone here at Colorado State University: completing post-secondary education.
With numerous cultural centers on campus and outside clubs fostering connection, it’s undeniable these are the individuals who make up the greater Fort Collins culture.
It’s not only a responsibility but a pleasure to report on students and their cultural experiences.
Each experience is different from the next, providing a greater understanding of culture. As mentioned before, the willingness to learn and understand fosters greater appreciation of experiences different from others.
It’s an undeniable honor writing about culture, whether it be directly here in Fort Collins or beyond.
Reach Christian Arndt at life@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.