Surprisingly enough, the football team managed to pick up another loss this weekend at Air Force, and can anyone really say this wasn’t obvious from a mile away?
The Ram-Falcon trophy has been collecting dust in an Air Force Academy display case somewhere since 2005. At the rate we’re going, it could hit a solid decade without moving.
But honestly, who cares?
I’m not even quite sure what the trophy actually looks like other than having an educated guess that there is likely both a ram and a falcon somewhere to be found on it.
After all, CSU hasn’t even seen the thing in seven years, so it’s not like any of us can honestly say that we miss it.
What stings most is the loss within a rivalry that began over 50 years ago.
Playing Air Force is like having a Monopoly battle with one of your siblings, it usually ends with someone storming out pissed off saying, “This is stupid, I quit!”
Now I can understand why all of the Buffalo fans had that heartbroken look on their faces as they drove away from Mile High.
The Falcons have controlled the series with a record of 31-19-1 all time against the Rams, so we’re used to seeing it happen by now.
But Saturday afternoons are usually hopeful with that chance that it could happen. Anybody that follows CSU athletics enjoys the underdog story, which is exactly why we’re tuned in in the first place.
As much as I love my school and our team, if I were a gambling man trying to make it rich in Vegas, my money would have been exactly where everybody else’s was.
After all, the Falcon run game is going to be too much for many opponents to handle and you’re most certainly not going to be able to produce much offensively with your starting quarterback watching the game from the sidelines.
Another year passes without the Ram-Falcon trophy, but that’s alright. We still have Wyoming on our upcoming schedule so you never know, this could be the year we get that fancy Bronze Boot back.
Luckily, the Rocky Mountain Showdown victory awarded CSU the Centennial Cup, so our trophy case isn’t completely empty. Add a Wyoming defeat and we’re two out of three for hardware matches.
We may only get a couple wins on this entire season, but at least we’ll have something to show for it.
To any cadets out there that are high on life after beating a now 1-4 football team — congrats, have your moment.
We already forgot about it.
Quentin Sickafoose is a junior Journalism & Technical Communications major. His column appears Mondays in the sports section of The Collegian. He can be reached at