Following recent executive orders by President Donald Trump’s administration, deportation has become an ever-growing fear among the undocumented community. Colorado State University student activists gathered Thursday, Feb. 13, to march for the safety and rights of undocumented students.
CSU’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America organized the march and delivered a petition that collected over 3,000 signatures. The petition, which was posted around campus for around two weeks, demanded that CSU be declared a sanctuary school, meaning Immigration and Customs Enforcement would be unable to enforce policies on CSU’s campus.

“The school must provide all professors, administrators, CSU (Police Department) and other staff with training on how to respond to ICE personnel who are requesting information about CSU students and/or attempting to enter CSU property,” the petition reads. “CSU should refuse ICE personnel access into any part of CSU not accessible to the general public without a judicial warrant signed by a neutral judge or magistrate.”
Before delivering the petition to the administration building, organizers and attendees gathered on the Lory Student Center Plaza for chants, introductions and discussion of safety information. Many protesters carried signs with phrases such as “Immigrants built our community,” “Education not deportation” and “Stand for your students CSU,” among others.
“The student body wants more than empty promises; we demand safety, we demand protection and we demand action.” -CSU student and demonstrator

CSU student Michael May is the co-chair of CSU’s YDSA chapter and discussed the purpose of the day’s demonstration.
“We’ve been trying to show President Parsons that this is a serious issue for students, and today’s showing out really does show that,” May said.
May went on to describe the larger purpose of YDSA and its goal of supporting and representing marginalized students across campus, particularly under the Trump administration.
“We hope to see a better future for all,” May said.
Following the Trump administration’s executive orders, CSU launched a new website that details university guidelines and updates. The site went out via email Feb. 8, and some see it as a good first step on behalf of the university but not as concrete action.
Before the petition was brought inside the Administration Building, students and community members gave speeches, some calling for action from CSU. Some speakers provided names and some did not for safety reasons.
“The student body wants more than empty promises; we demand safety, we demand protection and we demand action,” an unidentified student said. “Do not just visit (Cultural Resource Centers) for the pictures, but to actually take time to listen, look (students) in the eyes and tell them their future matters because right now your actions are saying otherwise.”
Officers from CSUPD were present on The Oval, but none appeared to approach protesters.
Among demands from students and YDSA were that professors and faculty be informed of the rights of undocumented students and know what rights the Fourth and Fifth amendments protect — protection from unreasonable search and seizure and protection against self-incrimination, respectively. Offices such as Student Legal Services and the Associated Students of CSU have been passing out “Know Your Rights” cards to those who need or want them.

Recent executive orders from the federal government have resulted in ICE raids in the Denver metropolitan area, according to local news organizations.
Student Manuel Marquez-Avalos shared his concerns in light of recent immigration raids.
“It’s been a very scary time, especially from the community that I come from,” Marquez-Avalos said. “There was an ICE raid just across the street from where I live, and there’s a lot of uncertainty.”
Yoseline Rivera, a student and community activist, spoke about the disproportionate treatment of undocumented individuals and how that shows up in everyday interactions.

“I also have another story where one undocumented individual was driving five over the speed limit, and he was actually deported because of that,” Rivera said. “Why is it that (undocumented people) are the only ones being targeted?”
Following the litany of executive orders signed by Trump in his first few days in office, many immigration rights advocates are scrambling to figure out how to move forward. However, organizations such as the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition are starting by spreading awareness and information. They also offer legal support, ICE resistance information and federal immigration reform efforts.
Demonstrators emphasized that their goal is ongoing and will continue to be a focus until everyone is safe on CSU’s campus. Rivera pointed out the variety of resources available, both on and off campus.
“If our community can come together as one and unite, we will be unstoppable,” Rivera said.
Reach Aubree Miller at or on social media @aubreem07.
David • Feb 21, 2025 at 7:39 pm
For being college students they are pretty dumb. Immigration is a FEDERAL responsibility, something Biden didn’t even bother with. Even if CSU becomes a sanctuary campus that doesb’t prevent ICE coming on campus, but it does mark CSU to loose ALL federal funding. So have at it.
It'sOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 4:59 am
Good for the students. To all of you who chose to discriminate against those who you’ve been convinced are guilty of such atrocious crimes, take a look at your king because he is not mine.
US Citizen • Feb 20, 2025 at 10:06 am
Come legal and pay for the education themselves, as a tax payer I’m sick and tired of paying for them. Or let the liberal students or their parents pay for them. NO SAFETY FOR UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS !!!!!
ItsOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 4:51 am
What a pathetic excuse of a patriot. MAGA will not be allowed in my university or classroom.
STEVEN L GROVES • Feb 19, 2025 at 7:08 pm
There should be no illegal aliens on any college campus in the US those in the admissions department must do their due diligence and make sure this doesn’t happen. Put Americans first
Wrett • Feb 19, 2025 at 12:58 pm
Look at all the mental illness on campus. Is that special person wearing a mask outside? Hahahaha. These little liberal loons sure are special.
shutupstupid • Feb 21, 2025 at 8:27 pm
wearing a mask at a protest is to protect your identity, not for covid reasons
Ken • Feb 19, 2025 at 9:48 am
Young people have the Constitutional right of Free Speech. But when they start demanding that our laws are ignored while the rights of are violated they need to start losing scholarships, be suspended, be charged with aiding and abetting criminals!
student familiar with the constitution • Feb 19, 2025 at 4:35 pm
sooo I think we’re mixing up morality and legality…what is legal isn’t always right, and the right to protest is also a constitutional right. in fact, it may even be the same amendment you seemingly are already familiar with! ah yes free speech…terminating access to higher education because students are protesting the actions of their federal government. I wonder if you’d feel the same way if they had pro-life banners and trump signs!
Adult more educated on the constitution than this kid LOL • Feb 21, 2025 at 3:39 am
Name is Student familiar with the constitution but is only familiar with free speech and confuses legality with only 1 amendment….wow these schools can’t even educate kids and yet the kids want to tell adults how to read when they stop after the 1st amendment. The child hyperfocuses on a subject not even mentioned by OP but ASSUMES (your mommy should have taught you that to assume is to make an ASS out of you) that the legality and laws being broken are somehow to do with protesting and free speech and NOTHING TO DO WITH ILLEGAL ENTRY TO A COUNTRY and MAKING CITIZENS PAY FOR THEM TO GET HOUSING VOUCHERS AND FOOD VOUCHERS WHILE CITIZENS ARE HOMELESS AND FAMILIES ARE STARVING. The country has an obligation to its citizens, not to those who use illegal methods to enter the US.
It'sOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 5:00 am
Ah, yes “aiding and abetting”
How about your vote for a convicted criminal?
Jesus • Feb 19, 2025 at 8:56 am
Deport all them too
Yoda • Feb 19, 2025 at 7:46 am
I love No. Colorado but absolutely hate the politics
Jake • Feb 19, 2025 at 7:29 am
These kids are clueless . ICE is not going after “ immigrant students who are here legally on a visa going to school . As if the school would would give tuition to an illegal with no papers or ID . They have no clue .
Ronald k marinick • Feb 19, 2025 at 5:13 am
Honestly. He was undocumented, driving 5 miles over the limit and he’s being picked on???? Illegal immigrants driving illegally. SMH.
Wolf • Feb 18, 2025 at 9:46 pm
Who is paying their tuition??? Is it free? Taxpayers?? I served this country for 8 yrs., born and raised in Colorado! And I get nothing!! Unreal whats happening here!
And the young socialist democraps? They should be deported to some sh$t hole country!!
Maybe then the will realize how good they have it here, courtesy of my fallen brothers & sisters!
It'sOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 4:54 am
Obviously you did not go to college.
Rt • Feb 18, 2025 at 8:24 pm
I’ve seen first hand what happens when you let illegals come into this country and live off of us for free. Taking away from our own medical care for free, free housing paid for by our tax dollars, immunity from the law, steal from hard working people so they can get what they want. The children of today think they’re privileged and continue to think we should support illegals but what they don’t understand is that those individuals are taking away their privileges more and more everyday.
Robert • Feb 18, 2025 at 7:50 pm
You people go up there and school don’t even know what it’s like to have illegals come across the border you think it’s just perfect You’re a bunch of freaking morons
It'sOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 4:56 am
What a perfect explanation of your thoughts. Did your last two brain cells work that untaxed overtime they were promised?
Rm • Feb 18, 2025 at 6:34 pm
Demand? They are fucking students. Almost all are not even tax payers or pay their own way?
Time for a reality check an even better. Let them leave and replace with students who realize what their taxes go for, the impact of laws and consequences.
ItsOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 5:02 am
Sounds like someone either didn’t get a college education or had theirs handed to them on a silver spoon. Speaking from experience are we? I work 40 hours a week and take 17.5 credit hours in nursing school as well do many of my fellow students because of the economy handed down to us by your generation and those before
Seamus • Feb 18, 2025 at 6:04 pm
Shhhh! As soon as you’re labeled “sanctuary ” he’s coming for you…and this will negatively impact the entire university and student body. DON’T DRAW ATTENTION!
Kb • Feb 18, 2025 at 3:43 pm
Perfect! Offer to house them in your dorm rooms.
Mike • Feb 18, 2025 at 12:51 pm
I work at that school and that is less than 1/2 of one percent of our students that was an extremely small group if you noticed they took a very tight picture. It’s not even 100 students out of 27,000. Also, because of how uneducated our college students are, they don’t seem to realize that every time we pay for any illegal immigrants college tuition, it makes their tuition go up. Just like 8 million illegal immigrants in the country has caused a housing crisis.
Wz • Feb 18, 2025 at 6:22 am
If you crossed the border without filing the proper papers, you are a criminal. As a tax payer, I don’t work to support illegals. Anyone caught hiding an illegal at a public funded school should lose their loans and be expelled.
Bill • Feb 18, 2025 at 3:13 pm
Great. Since none of you are taxpayers and want the taxpayers to pay for this, that sounds more like spoiled brats. If you want to do this I think all tax paying adults would agree that if you would all like to pay for this we have no issues. The State of Colorado pays around $40,000 per year to house prison inmates. Let’s say it is half at $20,000 each. Say you house 1000 illegal immigrants that would be about $20M. Now, we can get a sign up sheet and depending on the number that will participate you can use your M121 skills. If there are 2,000 students willing to commit, that is merely $10,000 each or $834 per month. Sound good?
Mary Medearis • Feb 18, 2025 at 3:19 pm
“Filing proper papers” – such a simplistic statement. Have you ever spoken to any immigrant from a challenging country? (read not a graduate student from China or Europe – or a rich person from South Africa or a pretty model from Slovenia -your tax dollars absolutely pay for them). Obtaining a visa is next to impossible and if your children are starving and in danger – you do what Mary And Joseph did. You go where you will hopefully be safe and work hard to make a life.
Keith Smalley • Feb 18, 2025 at 5:38 pm
America is broke. We cannot save the world until we dave ourselves.
YM • Feb 18, 2025 at 6:48 pm
I lost brain cells reading this. Please tell me, what exactly is it that Mary and Joseph did that relates them to an illegal immigrant?
Lucy • Feb 18, 2025 at 7:16 pm
If I want to go and live in another country, I have to do it according to their laws… it is the same here. Period!
Richard • Feb 18, 2025 at 8:13 pm
I have no respect for anyone that, the very first act, is breaking the law. The legal definition is “Illegal Alien”. I am not against immigration, just illegal immigration. I have seen firsthand the fraud against taxpayers and the insult to those that come here the right way.
ItsOkToPunchYahtzees • Feb 21, 2025 at 5:05 am
And that convicted felony you voted for? Oh, you don’t want to admit that do you. I’m sure X, Y, and Z excuse for him.