The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened Feb. 21 for the 20th session of the 53rd senate.
Executive reports were first on the agenda, wherein Director of Governmental Affairs Michael Stella reported on the success of the Day at the Capitol event Feb. 8, Vice President Alex Silverhart commented on ongoing emergency contraceptive distribution initiatives, Director of Traditions and Programs Meron Siyoum informed senate on upcoming campus events and Chief of Staff Braxton Dietz provided an update on upcoming ASCSU tabling events.
Judicial reports followed, with Chief Justice Alayna Truxal issuing the supreme court’s opinion on a current case. In a unanimous vote, the court confirmed that ASCSU members can serve on the Elections Committee, which oversees all annual elections processes.
The case was brought forward after Director of Housing Security Evan Welch was ratified as a member of the Elections Committee during the Jan. 31 session.
Senate then moved to ratify the deputy director of traditions, who works within the executive cabinet to coordinate ASCSU-sponsored campus events, including football tailgating events and tabling initiatives.
Nominated for the position was first-year student Mhalet Siyoum, who said she believes she can use her position to expand ASCSU outreach opportunities and promote additional campus community events.
“I really want to help advertising and personally go into these clubs and invite them firsthand to these events we’ll be putting on,” Mhalet Siyoum said.
Senate ratified Mhalet Siyoum with unanimous consent.
Bill #5316, “Spring Budget Reallocation,” was also considered.
The legislation intends to remove $23,000 of earmarked ASCSU funds from the financial advisor’s salary account, reinvesting the funds into ASCSU funding opportunities, including diversity and inclusion initiatives and the Board for Student Organization Funding.
The legislative authors said the funds can be better utilized to support students in the absence of a staff financial advisor.
The bill passed by way of a majority vote.
The ratification of the newest members of the Legislative Strategy Advisory Board also took place.
The LSAB is responsible for coordinating lobbying efforts in the Colorado General Assembly, planning local government outreach events and expanding ASCSU’s scope beyond the CSU campus.
Nominated for the open positions on the board were senior Theo Reese and sophomore Laura Bussard.
Both candidates detailed their qualifications for the available board positions and expressed their interest in continuing to advocate for students at the local and state government level.
Senate approved each candidate with unanimous consent.
ASCSU senate will reconvene Feb. 28.
Reach Sam Hutton at or on Twitter @Sam_Hut14.