Editor’s Note: All final percentages were gathered from The New York Times as of 11:26 p.m. Mountain Time Nov. 6. The totals had not been officially finalized as of that time.
From gerrymandering to oil and gas to education funding, Colorado had several groundbreaking, contentious and controversial ballot initiatives this midterm season. Here are the final results of the 2018 Colorado Midterms.
Amendment 73: Failed (55.7% no)
Amendment 73 proposed to increase funding of public education for schools that serve preschool through twelfth grade. This would be done by increasing income taxes in tax brackets above $150,000 per year.
Amendment 74: Failed (53.5% no)
This amendment proposed a requirement that state or local governments compensate a property owner if a law or regulation reduced the fair-market value of their property.
Since the amendment failed, state law will continue to require any Colorado government to compensate a property owner for taking or damaging property based on three circumstances: eminent domain, if the government damages the property or “regulatory taking,” where the government enacts a measure that deprives a property owner of the use or most of the value of the property.
Amendment 75: Failed (66.1% no)
This amendment proposed a change to the Colorado Constitution to increase campaign contribution limits when a candidate loans or contributes more than $1 million to his or her own campaign. This would have allowed all candidates in that same election to collect five times the current level of individual contributions.
Proposition 109: Failed (61.2% no)
This proposition would have required the State Government to borrow up to $3.5 billion in 2019 to be used as funding for up to 66 highway projects and identify a source to repay the borrowed amount without raising taxes or fees for the public. Along with this, the proposition would limit repayment amounts to no more than $5.2 billion over a 20-year period.
Proposition 110: Failed (59.7% no)
This proposition aimed to increase Colorado’s sales and use tax rate from the current 2.9 percent to 3.52 percent for 20 years, distributing that new tax revenue for transportation projects. Of the proposed revenue, 45 percent would have gone to the state, 40 percent would have gone to local governments and the last 15 percent would have been used for multimodal transportation projects.
Proposition 111: Passed (76.7% yes)
Since the proposition passed, the total cost of a payday loan will be raised to 36 percent annually and expand the definition of unfair or deceptive trade practices for payday lending.
Proposition 112: Failed (57.1% no)
This proposition would have required that new oil and natural gas developments be located at least 2,500 feet from occupied structures, water sources and areas designated as vulnerable. Along with this, the measure would not apply to federal land, including national parks and forests.
Amendment A: Passed (64.8% yes)
Language pertaining to the legality of slavery or involuntary servitude as a punishment for a convicted crime will be struck from the Colorado constitution. It now reads, “There shall never be in this state either slavery or involuntary servitude.”
Amendment X: Passed (60.7% yes)
Amendment X will outline the legal definition of industrial hemp in the Colorado Constitution to have the same meaning as defined in federal law or a state statute, instead of being tied to the State’s own constitutional definition. The term is defined as a plant of the genus cannabis with 3 percent or less THC content when the substance is completely dry.
Amendment V: Failed (56.6% no)
Amendment V would have reduced the age qualification for legislative members in Colorado to 21. With the failure of this amendment, Colorado candidates for both the State’s House of Representatives and Senate are still required to be at least 25 years old.
Amendment Y: Passed (71.3% yes)
Amendments Y and Z create two 12-member legislatively-independent commissions to take over the legislative and congressional redistricting processes and establish additional redistricting guidelines.
Amendment Z: Passed (70.9% yes)
Amendments Y and Z create two 12-member legislatively-independent commissions to take over the legislative and congressional redistricting processes and establish additional redistricting guidelines.
Amendment W: Failed (didn’t reach 55%)
The current ballot formatting asks voters about the retainment of each judge individually. The amendment would have stacked them under one question with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ bubbles next to each judge or justice’s name.
However, while it received 53.2 percent of yes votes, it did not reach the required 55 percent of votes needed to pass.
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