Among the crowds of half-naked college students tomorrow night, there will also be Colorado State University police and administrators monitoring the annual event for criminal activity, according to an email sent out all CSU students Thursday.
The email, signed by Chief Scott Harris of the CSU Police Department and Jody Donovan, assistant vice President for student affairs, reminded students the 2018 Undie Run, or Body Acceptance Run Extravaganza (BARE), is not a University sponsored event, and participants risk being negatively impacted by others actions during the event.
Students are not allowed to congregate on campus after the run; all crowds will be dispersed, according to the email.
CSU police and university administrators from multiple university divisions will be at the event to monitor student behavior, according to the email. Criminal activity includes groping or inappropriate touching during, before and after the run.
“Students who behave inappropriately off campus will be subject to interactions with Fort Collins police,” the email read.
If at any point a student believes they or another person is in danger, the email urges calling 911. If anyone experiences any unwanted, aggressive sexual language or sexual touching anytime on or off campus, victims can contact the confidential 24-hour victim assistance team at 970-492-4242.
“It is never [OK] to touch someone without clear consent and such conduct will be addressed by CSU,” the email read.
The email also asks students to come dressed as they plan to run. Although the event has been associated with being a clothing donation event, all abandoned clothes are actually sent to landfills for a high cost.
“Because the run is not sponsored, the university is left to pay clean up, security and damage expenses– historically about $15,000–with [student] tuition and fee dollars,” the email read.
Collegian reporter Samantha Ye can be reached at news@collegian.com or on Twitter @samxye4.