Scot Lee Stockwell was arrested on April 28 for providing drugs and alcohol to multiple victims who were underage in exchange for sexual favors.
While conducting investigations, detectives learned of Stockwell’s actions with the underage victims after the one of the victim’s parents discovered messages between Stockwell and the teenager and contacted police, according to Fort Collins Police Services.
Stockwell has been charged with unlawful sexual contact, sexual exploitation of a child and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
So far, Fort Collins police have identified three victims, two in Northern Colorado and one out-of-state.
FCPS is unable to release any more information at the moment as the inveestigation is still ongoing.
FCPS encourages anyone who may have been a victim of Stockwell’s to contact Detective Dan Calahan at 970-416-2051 or dcalahan@fcgov.com, and says that while victims may have concerns about the consequences of underage drug and alcohol consumption, the main focus of the investigation is simply to investigate abuse and seek justice for the victims.
Collegian reporter Stuart Smith can be reached at news@collegian.com or on Twitter @notstuartsmith