We’ve Got Your Back, a local Fort Collins Girl Gang, is hosting a rally from 12-3 p.m. on Feb. 11 at Cory Gardner’s office at 2001 S. Shields St., Building H.
The purpose of this event is to protest the defunding of Planned Parenthood and support the women that believe in the right to choose what they do with their bodies.
AJ Kelley, founder of We’ve Got Your Back, said, “I would like to stand with you to peacefully protest the defunding of Planned Parenthood, and stand in solidarity with women who support the right to choose what they do with their own bodies.”
This rally is one among many that will be occurring all over the country on Feb. 11. Another accessible rally location is in Denver. More information on this event can be found on their Facebook page. These events are Pro-Choice/Pro-Planned Parenthood events.
For more information on the Fort Collins rally go to the Facebook page.
Collegian reporter Hailey Deaver can be reached at news@collegian.com or on Twitter @autumn_hail.
Jenny Tefft Williams • Feb 8, 2017 at 8:08 am
The time and place have changed since this article was put out. If you could make corrections it would be helpful.