Dear reader,
The illustration desk provides The Collegian with visuals that accompany the stories we tell. From the brainstorm process to sketches and the final composition, the illustrations you see in the newspaper seek to depict the life in the articles published by our newspaper. The illustrations we create reflect the reality we live in and expand our perception of the stories written beyond words, whether that be a slice of pizza, the holding of hands or a portrait.
As a medium, illustration strives to catch the attention of viewers and readers; expansive cover art, three-paneled comics in the back of the paper and the images that draw your eyes to an opinion article all work to complement the journalistic nature of The Collegian. Through the synthesis the illustration desk aids in creating, we can have powerful, independent and important stories published with artwork and creations that excel alongside their words.
The stories we tell at The Collegian are strengthened by the visual work of our illustrators. The content of these stories is engaged in the fullest and most dynamic of ways, which is the beauty of illustrative representation. The graphics printed alongside the stories are sometimes the first point of interaction for readers. We depend on these works of art to catch the eye of a reader, often before reading the headline, and we find ourselves relying on these visuals to pull the reader into the story.
To create an illustration, we are tasked to take a page worth of writing and transform it into a 3-by-5-inch graphic, compact with the elements of visual communication that convey the story to the viewer without giving away too much information.
Unlike photos, illustrations have the ability to bring imagination to life, giving the printed word an avenue of understanding beyond text. The images we create are a powerful testament to the imagination of human beings and how people can understand the world around them. Even with images that are educational, serious in tone or comedic, there is always emotion ingrained within every single one.
Trin Bonner
Reach Trin Bonner at or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.