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One of the biggest activities to enjoy in Colorado is hiking. This state offers tons of different locations all ranking in skill level for people to try. If you want to go out and experience the joys of hiking in Colorado but don’t have the proper equipment then here are five places around Fort Collins to get hiking gear.
- Gearage
- Address: 119 E Mountain Ave
- 970-416-6803
- thegearage@gmail.com
- Gearage is a local outdoor gear and clothing shop in Fort Collins. They have affordable prices on new and used gear. You can also donate your lightly used gear for store credit. Gearage also has a section dedicated to bike and ski tune-ups as well as a variety of bike and paddle board rentals. They believe in treading lightly on the environment by reusing and recycling gear throughout the community.
- JAX Outdoor Gear
- Address: 1200 N College Ave
- 970-221-0544
- JAX Outdoor Gear provides customers with quality gear from brands they know and trust. They also have a sales staff that is very knowledgeable and can help get you ready for whatever outdoor adventure you’re seeking. JAX works with the North Fort Collins Business Association to provide the children of Poudre School District with warm coats and boots if they may need them. They have also worked with Idea Wild for over 20 years to provide biologists with the equipment and resources they need to help in the fight to conserve the planet’s biodiversity.
- Address: 4025 S College Ave
- 970-223-0123
- Not only does REI provide a variety of quality, top-brand outdoor gear, but they also have a ton of classes to help any outdoor beginner or experienced adventurer. They offer classes on how to fix your bike, tips to climbing a 14er, how to use GPS navigation, hiking with your dogs, and more. REI also has a staff that are professionals in fixing a bike or tuning your skis and snowboards. Don’t think you want to own your own gear? That’s fine because REI has rentals on cycling, climbing, paddleboarding, camping, hiking, and snow gear.
- Sierra
- Address: 3500 S College Ave
- 970-266-8440
- Sierra wants to empower its customers to experience the world and outdoor more while saving money. They offer a big selection of trusted, quality outdoor gear at an affordable price. They have many guides, hacks, tips, and more on their website, blog, and YouTube channel to help learn how to handle the outdoors. Sierra has a great customer service team that is there to support you in all your outdoor endeavors.
- Big 5 Sporting Goods
- Address: 2211 S College Ave
- 970-484-0947
- Big 5 Sporting Goods is one of America’s top retailers for name brand sporting gear with over 400 locations. They have a mix of everyday athletic gear and equipment to outdoor gear for all ages and a lot of different sports. Big 5 also has a wide selection of on sale sports and outdoor gear and equipment.