We have not had a week without any planets in retrograde since last April, so needless to say, it’s going to be a good one. The week begins on a sweet note as Mars begins its forward journey in Cancer, giving us some ease and pleasure in getting work done, moving our bodies and communicating with others. On the 27th, I’ll celebrate my solar return under the new moon in Pisces, which gently refreshes our outlook on some area of our life. This week, take time to daydream, allow yourself to feel optimistic about the future and imagine your dream life.
I can’t say the upcoming astrology looks too good — we begin another hectic few weeks on March 1 when Venus, the planet of art, beauty, money and love, goes retrograde. But I’ll get into that more next week. In the meantime, if you’re changing your appearance, do it this week. If you’ll need a haircut in the coming weeks, do it now. Pop some bottles, be with your besties and let your mind wander. Delusion will get us through these last few weeks of winter, stars.
A birthday Pisces

Aries (March 21 – April 19):
Mars, your ruling planet, has finally gone direct, and although you’re probably buzzing with mental energy, it doesn’t need to be acted on right this moment. The cosmos always knows what they’re doing, so if everything feels like it’s moving slower than you, find healthy outlets to release pent-up energy. Recharging will do you well, Aries.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
The new moon is bringing magic to your friendships and communities this week. It will be easy to widen your network, have special moments with friends, organize activism in the community or ask others for favors. Don’t let your comfort zone keep you from new beginnings. Get out there, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
If your money matters and possessions are causing you stress, prepare for a break this week. Motivation, discipline and desire to uphold responsibility all increase early in the week while your public reputation is getting a refresh. Use this energy to pick up on any gut feelings surrounding your profession, and shift gears if needed. The sky’s the limit, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
You might feel like you’ve been stuck learning the same lesson over and over again. Now free from the constraints of Mars retrograde, you’re eager to debut a brand new you and move forward. It’s time to use what you’ve learned and assess what has worked and tweak what hasn’t. Where are you redirecting your energy, Cancer?

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):
It’s an emotional week for you, as the Pisces new moon takes you to the depths and back. If you’re bogged down by debts, finances, negotiations or your relationships with others, find a healthy outlet through creative expression. Have a good cry, grab a paintbrush or dance it out. Tell your intuition you’re listening, Leo.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23):
The week ahead is spotlighting your partnerships, whether in business, love or social circles. It’s time to audit your relationships, and this new moon can make you feel extra sentimental or romantic, so be sure to practice strong discipline when reinforcing and protecting your boundaries. Value all that you bring, Virgo.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):
Are you still nailing those new year’s resolutions? It’s time to assess your habits objectively, reset your intentions and fine-tune your work and wellness routines moving forward. Routines shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth; it’s TLC for future you. Commit to wellbeing, Libra.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):
If you find yourself anxious to move forward yet unable to progress, take it as a sign to enjoy the present a little more. There’s no due date in life — your path will naturally diverge in the best direction for you when the time is right. Rest, recalibrate, take time for your passions and ground yourself, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21):
Things might have felt cramped in your domestic arrangements recently, but this week brings gentle solutions to the home-front. If you’ve been meaning to negotiate your rent, tell your roommate to be cleaner or refresh stale design choices, why wait? Be honest about what you need for a more stable foundation, Sag.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19):
You have a rush of energy and discipline that will help you knock out what you’ve been dragging your feet on completing. You’ll have plenty of time to rest during the new moon, which refreshes your local communities, friendships and romantic relationships. This could be a good time to plan a spring break trip or start a local club. Rally the hive mind, Capricorn.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18):
This week, you’re reaping what you sow. If you’ve been making smart financial choices, you can expect positive changes, as money will be going in and out of your account over the coming weeks. While money is tight, spend time focusing on other pursuits of happiness, security, creativity and fun. Stability comes from within, Aquarius.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):
You’re the main event this week. It’s your birthday season, and the universe is feeling extra generous in granting birthday wishes. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish this year. Who do you want to be? You’re finding it easier to relax and enjoy yourself, so indulge this week. Let inspiration lead you, Pisces.
Reach Sophia Masia at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.