Happy 2025, and welcome to a new semester, stars! It’s cold, classes are starting again and you’re probably envisioning what the new year is going to bring. Though we are constantly living through uncertain times, and the astrology over the next 12 months looks rocky for the collective, here’s what themes you can expect for your sun and rising sign.
A Pisces sun

Aries (March 21 – April 19):
This is the year you mature and glow up mentally, physically and spiritually. You can expect to spend some time alone or withdraw from your usual communities. There is opportunity for travel, picking up a new hobby or just taking time to look within and do some inner work. Is this the year you commit to therapy, Aries?
Your resolution: Observe, then react.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
This year is filled with lots of sweetness, but it will feel difficult at times. Expect to let go of unhealthy patterns and gain closure on past situations so you can make room for new work opportunities, fated friends and mindsets about life. When things get rough, don’t underestimate the power of a nap, Taurus.
Your resolution: Stop bringing old baggage into new situations.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
You are constantly evolving, but this year is an entirely new life phase for you. Listen to your intuition — you will be decisive and secure in your decisions. You can expect a busy year with luck around money and success in your goals. Remember that more responsibility comes with more problems, Gemini.
Your resolution: Work as hard as you play.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
Expect to begin changing your mindset this year, become more motivated and try new approaches without getting discouraged. Feeling more secure, you will have more luck in your hobbies and relationships. Allow yourself to feel optimistic this time around the sun, Cancer.
Your resolution: Create a life you love, even if it’s not the way you imagined it.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):
Life is so vast and delicious, and you want to sample as much of it as you can so long as you get to be in control. This year, whatever plans you’ve made for yourself are being put on pause so you can experience new and different things. Take this time to assess your beliefs and your relationship to power and explore new talents. Restart as many times as you need to, Leo.
Your resolution: Be open to change.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23):
Expect to be focused on your career goals, self-respect and making your younger self proud. You will be rewarded with big opportunities if you stay disciplined, but it won’t be all work and no play. Cherish the people around you, and soak in the good parts of life, Virgo.
Your resolution: Indulge in your life whenever possible.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):
With a fresh slate, you have a refreshed sense of optimism around your goals, and the stars are behind you. You may be having a change of environment. Impulsive decisions have positive outcomes. You can begin better health routines with ease. Out with the old, and in with the new, Libra.
Your resolution: Leave the past in the past, and be in the now.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):
In case things have been a little too routine lately, your forecast for 2025 includes taking on new roles, getting second chances, fated events and allowing yourself to be more vulnerable. Whether this excites you or terrifies you, you will be experiencing life to its fullest. There are sweeter days ahead, Scorpio.
Your resolution: Trust yourself to make important decisions.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21):
Expect a boost in wealth and social opportunities this year, so long as you can learn to be selective. Reflecting on the past can help you decipher what actually is too good to be true. Being your most authentic self will bring you peace, so don’t shy away from major personality or aesthetic changes, Sagittarius.
Your resolution: Invest your time and energy wisely.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19):
This year is about figuring out what you truly want. You’re discovering what excites you by changing up your home, trying out new hobbies and switching up your daily habits. Your relationships improve as you embrace honesty and learn to forgive yourself. You’re the main character of your life, Capricorn.
Your resolution: Find out what you want, and live for that purpose.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18):
Pluto in your sign is heavy, so this year, you need to figure out what makes you light up. Expect increased motivation to change your life and ease when setting your priorities or cutting ties. It’s time to embrace fun, flirting, fresh ideas and life plans. You’ll find money anywhere, but this is about doing what you love, Aquarius.
Your resolution: Find the fun in whatever you do.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):
This year, you are slowing down to reorient yourself. You can think clearly and realistically, bringing you fated opportunities and breakthroughs from strange places. This is a good year to plan travel, move or begin a new direction in your life. Your ability to turn your manifestations into reality brings you newfound confidence and romantic attention, Pisces.
Your resolution: Stop doubting yourself.
Reach Sophia Masia at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.