We are deep in the trenches of week nine of the semester, and I don’t have to look to the planets to confirm everyone is stressed out right now. Despite rising tensions, the sun in diplomatic Libra has helped everyone keep their cool over the last month. This week, Libra season is coming to an end and taking all that patience and civility with it.
The sun is squaring off with Mars, and Venus is opposing Uranus, which is also fighting with Neptune, and to top it all off, there’s a full supermoon in Aries adding unnecessary fuel to this fire. Lots of big emotions this week, but by no means am I telling you to shove them aside. I trust you all know when to bite your tongue, and I encourage you to yell when necessary. Remember to be forgiving to yourself and others, stars.
An anxious Aries Moon

Aries (March 21 – April 19):
I’m not going to pretend like Aries placements aren’t feeling this week harder than most. The planets are pushing all your buttons, but now is not the time to let frustration win. Channel your emotions into something productive this week. Anger doesn’t always have to be destructive, Aries.
Aries survival guide: Write that essay with gritted teeth, finish your laundry with white knuckles and hope your email finds them before you do.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
Listen, I know you’re a perfectionist, but nothing is going to be perfect enough for you this week. If you keep writing and rewriting the same paragraph but are never happy with it, that’s your sign to come back to it later — it was great the first time anyway. Trust your intuition, and don’t get stuck in your head, Taurus.
Taurus survival guide: Quit while you’re ahead, trust your gut, run it by a friend and accept that it’s not going to be perfect.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
While nothing is specifically messing with your sign, you sure are caught in everyone else’s crossfire right now. Social circles are incredibly charged up right now. You may be a support system for a friend or the voice of reason that they need to hear. Either way, make space for some well-deserved alone time, Gemini.
Gemini survival guide: Withdraw if you need to, lend a helping hand, ride the waves of feelings and don’t take negativity to heart.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
You might be tired of being stereotyped as sensitive by astrology, but this week is nothing if not sensitive for you. The full supermoon has you feeling everything, and I encourage you to do whatever is necessary to protect your peace. If you manage to avoid melting down, clarity will find you by the end of the week, Cancer.
Cancer survival guide: Cry it out, withdraw from the world, try not to overreact, type it out in your notes app first and trust the process.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):
Your classmates or coworkers could be demanding more than usual from you, offloading their tasks to you or even picking your work apart. Usually, you’d get defensive, but this week, you’re stepping into the ring with yourself. Do what you can to block out the noise and ignore your inner critic, Leo. You’re doing perfectly fine.
Leo survival guide: Be kind to others and kinder to yourself, prioritize work, choose your words wisely and don’t get judgmental.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23):
The energy this week is messy, but you are not one to be caught up in everyone else’s mess. While the other signs are busy battling it out with each other and the planets, I invite you to disappear. When you’re not around to solve problems and be the calming presence, they will miss you. Until then, take care of you, Virgo.
Virgo survival guide: Ghost, judge from afar, take a social media break, stay out of petty drama and keep your boundaries extra firm.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):
You’re caught right in the middle of this drama-filled transit, and tensions are probably high right now. Doubt, anger, aggression, sympathy — you’re a conflicting mess of emotions. I know you like to stay out of it, and you can see both sides of the issue, but this week is a great time to express complicated emotions. Be decisive, Libra.
Libra survival guide: Charm your way through difficult conversations, take a side, don’t get caught up in your emotions and be with your besties.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):
Nobody likes uncertainty, especially when you’ve been working around the clock to be sure, so this week could stir up some frustration around your personal projects. You may be so caught up in the little tiny details, you’ve completely forgotten about the big picture. You don’t have to work yourself to the bone, Scorpio. You’ve done enough.
Scorpio survival guide: Take a break, take a breath, let yourself relax, reconnect with friends you’ve shoved aside and bask in your accomplishments.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21):
This week hits you like a bag of bricks — hello, feelings! But don’t worry — anything you’re going through now is going to be important for revelations late next week. Fun and adventure are on the horizon, but prepare for a bumpy ride there. All will become clear, Sagittarius.
Sagittarius survival guide: Go with the flow, talk back when you want to, cry when you want to cry, be with your chosen family and knock things off your to-do list.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19):
Everyone around you is losing their cool, but here you are, rolling your eyes and keeping it together. This week brings chaos, but you’re too busy strategizing to be bothered. Later in the week, blessings find you and the peace is restored, but give people some grace in the meantime — we can’t all be as emotionally armored as you. Keep on keeping on, Capricorn.
Capricorn survival guide: Focus on yourself, protect your peace, ignore the drama, let abundance find you and practice grace with others.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18):
Everyone and everything is getting on your last nerve, and you might be feeling ready to blow. Try working on projects that take as little human interaction as possible, and be kinder than you feel this week. Things are better understood with space. It’s better to come off distant than mean, Aquarius.
Aquarius survival guide: Take time for yourself, practice de-escalation, try meditating and cling to what patience you have left.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):
You might be feeling unlucky recently, but trust that the kitchen sink won’t be clogged forever. It’s tempting to fall into an abyss of your self-pity, but the cosmic tides are turning in your favor this week. Let minor annoyances roll off your back, and go after what you want. Dust yourself off, Pisces.
Pisces survival guide: Get back on the horse, try again, be kind to yourself, don’t take any shit, but don’t cause any harm.
Reach Sophia Masia at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.