It is essential to be frugal when packing for the first year of college.
The dorm rooms moved into by freshmen are tiny, and there will be two people, if not more, in one small area. This makes it absolutely necessary to pack the right things in the right amount.
Since many before you have survived the first year of college there are a few essential tips on making the most out of your newly found freedom and space.
1. Downsize your closet.
For all the fashionable folks out there, it is an absolute struggle to avoid bringing all the threads and kicks one owns. Dorm rooms have notoriously small storage spaces. Therefore, it’s wise to utilize this limited space.
But you might be thinking, “There might be an occasion when I might wear this particular piece of clothing or a pair of shoe.”
This is an urge worth avoiding, but if you can’t, a shoe hanger and more hangers can help. If going back home on most breaks is an option, try packing according to the season.
2. Colorado weather can change. A lot. In one day.
The weather here in Fort Collins changes more frequently than the Apple updates, so having a weatherproof jacket will always come in handy. This tip is especially important for all the students who hail from other states as Colorado residents hopefully have gotten used to our predictable weather.
3. A productive life could start with an organized shower.
The organization of a daily routine has a good chance of flowing over to other aspects of life, such as school and work.
A shower caddy is an item that has probably made it to the packing list already. This is an item that will prove to be very useful throughout the time period of very close and personal living quarters with roommates.
4. Refine your sleeping space.
All dorm rooms are equipped with those firm blue mattresses. Which leads up to my fourth armament to survive dorms- a mattress cover. This is a worthy investment to make a bed softer and more importantly, hygienic.
College sleep schedules can be chaotic, and as much as this may sound like a mattress commercial, this will improve your sleep by a drastic amount.
5. Finesse your grade with good notetaking.
The term ‘study smart, not hard’ is equal to ‘pack smart, not hard.’
In college, substituting physical notebooks with MS Word or OneNote is not a bad option. On a daily basis, a student will be fixed to a certain lifestyle that is rather difficult to alter, so think of concise notetaking and organization in one central notebook or planner.
Never again shall you have a feeling of having something due, but you’re just not sure what.
More information on the organization of dorm space is available on The Housing and Dining Services website.
Collegian reporter Babin Dinda can be reached at and on Twitter @Babin39443894.