R.E.D., standing for rebel, empower and dismantle, is open for submissions, which includes poetry, comics, drawings, artwork, essays, stories and more until March 27.
R.E.D is a mini magazine, or zine, created by Colorado State University student Rose Bork, a senior social work major and student aid at the Women and Gender Advocacy Center. It is a platform to empower survivors of sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence as well as for anyone at CSU to share their experiences or perspectives regarding interpersonal violence, oppression, feminism, inequality, identity or rape culture.
The first edition of R.E.D. was published last spring. Bork, who serves as the editor, wrote in the introduction that the concept of the zine came from the idea of self-expression as a tool to heal and gain power, as well as for activism. She said she wanted to give survivors a feeling of freedom by sharing their experiences.
“I think there’s a lot of political power in people being able to share their stories, their experiences, especially people who have been marginalized in some areas,” Bork said. “I wanted a way for people to express themselves and share their perspectives and experiences.”
The zine, through the WGAC, has become a project of the Red Whistle Brigade, a group of students who provide educational programming on topics such as gender socialization, sexual assault, sexual assault prevention and healthy relationships.
Bork said the hardest part about creating the zine was choosing a name. In addition to wanting to rebel, dismantle systems of oppression and empower people, Bork chose the color red because of its symbolism.
“I felt like I was seeing a lot of the color red in my life … I think it can symbolize power and strength,” Bork said. “It all came together in a way that honors the Red Whistle Brigade as well as speaks to I think a really powerful color and then when broken down speaks to more of the activism behind the zine.”
Bork said her and the rest of the Red Whistle Brigade is looking for diverse content this year, including artwork. There was only one art piece last year, an artist’s photograph to submit to R.E.D. She said that submissions do not have to be specifically for the zine and can be work people already have. It is also fine for submissions to be anonymous.
According to Bork, they are aiming to include all submissions, which they were able to do last year. Bork said she is grateful for submissions and wrote in the introduction that the pieces submitted last year were an incredible act of bravery, and that to share one’s work is to share a part of one’s self.
“I feel so honored how many people submitted last year, these really beautiful pieces that were vulnerable, honest and touching,” Bork said. “My favorite part is seeing how many different people from all different areas of campus and walks of life have something so beautiful to express.”
Submissions for this year’s edition of R.E.D. can be emailed to Bork at rosebork@rams.colostate.edu or turned in to the WGAC in the Lory Student Center, or at 112 Student Services.
R.E.D. will be published on April 24 and there will be an open house that day in the LSC’s WGAC with free copies of the zine. People will be able to get food and drink and participate in self-care activities. Last year’s editions of R.E.D. can be picked up in the LSC WGAC. All copies are free.
Collegian reporter MQ Borocz can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @MQBorocz22.