CTV sports show Laced Up entirely produced by women
Laced Up, a 30-minute sports magazine show that is entirely produced by women, returns to CTV Channel 11 this semester. The show will air on select Wednesday nights as part of CTV’s rotating block of variety shows.
The show is produced by CTV Assistant Executive Producer Sydney Wicker and directed by Aspen Flores. Also working on the show, both on-air and behind the scenes, are Hannah Drysdale, Hattie Williams, Terah Barrio Maddie Warren, Jessica Mendoza, Rose Carter, Rachel Hallam, Alli Price, Erica Johnson, Ally Small, Angel Cooper, Emily Pisqui and Madi Davidson. Wicker, who pitched the show, said she was inspired by a similar program at the University of Michigan called Wolverine Women. Laced Up took the concept one step further by recruiting an entirely all-women crew and focusing the show not just on women in sports but also covering men’s sports from women’s perspectives.
“The thing that separates our show is that it is not just all women on TV, it’s women running the cameras, audio, TD (technical direction) and everything else,” Wicker said. “I pitched the idea to the girls and we just got to work.”The show returns on Feb. 12 with subsequent air dates on March 11 and April 15.
The Wednesday night variety block also includes RamLife Entertainment, Humans of CSU and Local Beats. All shows start at 7 p.m. and can be streamed online on YouTube, Facebook, UStream,