Editor’s Note: This is a satire piece from The Collegian’s opinion section. Real names and the events surrounding them may be used in fictitious/semi-fictitious ways. Those who do not read the editor’s notes are subject to being offended.
For a lot of people, finding a popular costume that is fashionable can be a struggle. But if you want to know what the crowd has planned for this Halloween, make sure you get your hands on one of these highly sought-after costumes before they’re sold out in stores.
As winter months approach, more and more students are getting sick and in need of cold and flu relief. Like many others, I have stood at my desk in the morning, staring at my box of DayQuil, thinking about what a cute costume it would make. Lots of people are in need of DayQuil right now, so this is sure to be a highly sought-after costume.
Not to mention, there are so many ways you could go about doing this costume; its flexibility makes it such a popular get-up. You could dress up as the adorable box or bottle, you could dress up as the DayQuil pill itself or just throw on some orange clothes and call it a night. You could even make this a cute couple’s costume if your best friend or significant other dresses up as NyQuil.
A table
Dressing up as a cop, fireman or construction worker is so old-school. This year, the new trend is dressing up as a construction project. Plus, if you want to get the attention of someone who is a construction management major, this is the way to do it. A sturdy costume, this one is sure to be a hit, whether someone’s wearing it to a party or a family-friendly event. According to several Colorado State University sororities, this is the sorority costume for the year, so watch out for large groups of matching tables walking around this Halloween.
A piece of fruit
With more and more restaurants moving to become vegan, vegetarian or just healthier, people love fruit. Take pears for example: Pears have a great figure. With those curves, your crush is sure to notice you. The curves will also provide a nice ring of personal space to ensure no one can come near you. In a crowded party, this can be convenient for pushing people out of the way to get to the punch bowl.
Pears are also really healthy. By being a fruit for Halloween, you are sure to bring the healthy vitamin C vibes, not the toxic energy everyone is trying to avoid. Most importantly, if you’re looking for a granola partner, we all know that the produce aisle is any granola person’s favorite aisle. They will automatically gravitate toward you.
There are lots of fruits to dress up as, so there are plenty of ways people are going to interpret this category for Halloween. Word has it the fraternities will be sporting this costume, so it will be interesting to see which kind of fruit the brothers choose to be.
Your professor
For those who aren’t really into dressing up as inanimate objects, this one’s going to be all the rage. This is sure to get anyone who does this costume extra credit, so you can already guess there will be plenty of students sporting turtlenecks and wire-rimmed glasses this Halloween. This is also a great excuse to drink more coffee, so be sure to watch out for all of the overly caffeinated students on Halloween night.
Reach McKenna Van Voris at letters@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.