The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened March 6 for an emergency session of the 54th senate.
To begin the session, members of the legislative branch provided updates on their respective work and duties.
Moving into old business, senate confirmed Resolution #5407, “Asking CSU Administration for More Accountability and Transparency.” The legislation calls on CSU administration to be more transparent with students in response to events that took place during the 2024 fall semester. Additionally, it calls for the university to take accountability and action to support the student body.
Following discussion and debate, the resolution was passed by unanimous consent.
Senate then moved to Bill #5409, “Increased Funding to Rams Against Hunger Pocket Pantries.” The bill aims to allocate $18,000 from the ASCSU General Discretionary Fund to provide funding for the Rams Against Hunger Pocket Pantry Program for the 2025-26 academic year.
Following discussion and debate, the bill passed by unanimous consent.
Senate then moved to discuss Lex #5416, “Ensuring More Students are Represented.” The lex aims to increase the number of senate seats available in each academic college in an effort to bolster student representation within ASCSU.
The lex was approved by unanimous consent and sent to the Budgetary Affairs Committee for further review.
Next, senate discussed Resolution #5409, “Student Protection Act.” The legislation calls on CSU administration to codify protections for marginalized students given recent policy shifts created by the federal government.
Following discussion and debate, the resolution passed by unanimous consent.
Senate then discussed Lex #5417, “Creation of the At-Large Representative Student Council.” The lex aims to create an at-large student representative council for student representatives to continue serving under ASCSU in the event that their constituencies are dissolved.
Following discussion and debate, the lex was approved by unanimous consent and sent to the University Affairs Committee for further review.
Next, Resolution #5410, “Supporting Student Coalition Letters Concerning DEI on Campus,” was confirmed. The legislation supports the student letter of solidarity written by the CSU Coalition for Race, Gender and Ethnic Studies and a similar letter written by The People United. Both letters were sent to CSU administration to support diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility initiatives on campus.
The legislation was passed by unanimous consent following discussion and debate.
Resolution #5408, “Supporting Immigrant Students,” was then confirmed.
The legislation calls on CSU administration, the Board of Governors and the State of Colorado to support all students at CSU and “affirms ASCSU’s support of immigrant students in face of growing crackdowns.”
Following floor edits and discussion and debate, the resolution passed by unanimous consent.
Lastly, Lex #5415, “Removing Old Language and an Inconsistency with Associate Senator Limitations,” was confirmed. The lex aims to adjust wording in the ASCSU constitution and ensure that more students are represented within ASCSU.
Following discussion and debate, the lex passed by unanimous consent.
ASCSU Senate will resume March 12.
Reach Laila Shekarchian at or on social media @CSUCollegian.