The Associated Students of Colorado State University opened its doors Friday, Jan. 24, for an Open House event to connect the student body with its representatives and provide insight into their operations.
Held from 12-5 p.m. in the ASCSU offices, the event provided students the opportunity to meet with executive staff members and learn about ASCSU operations and how the organization impacts their life on campus.
Jakye Nunley, ASCSU chief of staff, emphasized the event’s purpose: to engage with students and spread awareness about the organization’s role on campus.
“I think it is important for ASCSU to host events like this because oftentimes students do not know what we do,” Nunley said. “Students don’t know that their student fees cover literally everything and every operation that happens within or outside of ASCSU in some way, and I think that making sure that students know we are their representatives and that we advocate for them and plan things on behalf of them is important.”
The open house introduced students to the roles and responsibilities of the organization and the people behind its initiatives.
“I think it’s really great to have something like this on campus to help us get more involved at CSU and learn about the resources we have.” –Hailey Veazie, student
Nunley also highlighted the importance of putting a face to the organization and familiarizing students with representatives. During the event, students had the chance to ask questions and discuss how ASCSU represents them.
“I think the most important thing students should know about ASCSU is who is in ASCSU, like, who their representatives are,” Nunley said. “If they have a question or if they need something done or need advocacy in any sense, they should know who to communicate that to.”
For some students, the open house was their first encounter with ASCSU. After the event, they walked away with a better understanding of what the organization does and how to connect with them.
“I think it’s cool that they hosted an event like this,” said Hailey Veazie, a CSU student. “I am a sophomore, and I literally had no idea what ASCSU did until now, so this was really helpful.”
The open house also marked the beginning of a new chapter for new ASCSU staff. Kayla McIlroy, executive assistant to the chief of staff, expressed her excitement to join the team and the welcoming environment.
“I just started (at ASCSU) this week, and one big thing that has drawn me in and has made me already love working here is the people,” McIlroy said. “Everyone is super nice. I have felt very welcome, especially from my boss, which is Chief Nunley. I feel like I am going to have a really fun time.”
The event provided a casual setting for students to interact with ASCSU members and learn about opportunities for future involvement.
Representatives from ASCSU said they hope that, by opening their doors, students will feel encouraged to connect with student government and advocate for their needs.
“I think it’s really great to have something like this on campus to help us get more involved at CSU and learn about the resources we have,” Veazie said.
Reach Laila Shekarchian at or on social media @CSUCollegian.