Everything is bigger in Texas — and Colorado, too, now that a new Buc-ee’s calls Johnstown home.
A subset of the popular gas station and quick service location opened its doors to the Northern Colorado community March 18 after four years of planning and two years of construction.
“(Stores like Buc-ee’s) bring so much to the community in terms of jobs, economic development and understanding what some of the best is here, as you can tell from the turnout,” said Deanna Sloat, business programs and events director for the Loveland Chamber of Commerce. “It’s a huge draw, and that brings not only businesses but all kinds of other stuff to come to the community as well.”
Buc-ee’s, which has drawn a cultlike following with locations in Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina and Tennessee, features a full-service barbecue counter, fresh pastries, branded merchandise, location-specific clothing, exclusive food products and 116 gas pumps.
The opening, which drew a crowd lining up as early as the previous night, featured a ribbon cutting, free T-shirts for the first 600 guests and the opportunity for Coloradans to get a glimpse into the superstore.
“My sister works here, so I’m super excited for her,” Sloat said. “She’s been working toward this day to get open, so that’s exciting. I’m blown away by the number of people — I shouldn’t be, but I am. Of course, I need a brisket sandwich. This is a big deal for a Colorado person.”
The location, which is 74,000 square feet in area, is among the largest Buc-ee’s locations in the country, rivaling the largest, 74,707-square-foot Buc-ee’s in Sevierville, Tennessee.
“When we opened the doors at 6 a.m., I get the privilege of being the one that gets to do that,” Director of Operations Josh Smith said. “It’s always exciting to be able to do that: as the community kind of settles into having us, just always to provide that place for safe traveling and to be a great asset to the local community and help out the local economy.”
Smith and other members of Buc-ee’s management attended the opening day as residents of Johnstown, Northern Colorado and beyond filled the store. Some guests were dressed in Buc-ee’s merchandise, including onesies and full beaver costumes.
The ribbon cutting was attended by representatives of the state government and members of the Loveland and Johnstown city governments, including the mayor of Johnstown and members of the Loveland City Council, who spoke to the public about the economic growth projected for Johnstown and the surrounding areas as a result of the new location.
“I am just so excited to see Johnstown grow the way it is,” said Dixie Daly, Loveland Chamber of Commerce business and membership director. “My son and my daughter and I live here with their kids, and to watch this is just amazing. And we’re so grateful and so honored to have them here.”
Buc-ee’s in Johnstown will be open 24 hours every day of the year. It is expected to generate $25 million in sales for the local economy annually.
“The best moment was really when I walked in the store because I’ve never been to a Buc-ee’s, and wow, it was just amazing,” Daly said. “I took pictures of my favorite things. And the one thing they have is this cool pink bling hat that I have got to get.”
For Smith and the Buc-ee’s management, the Johnstown location is just the beginning.
“We’ve been excited to be here in Colorado — it’s been three years in the making,” Smith said. “When we opened the doors this morning at 6 a.m., it was an exciting time because we get to finally showcase what we’re about and who we are and start to have that local impact in the local economy and everybody around.”
Reach Allie Seibel and Caden Proulx at news@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.