Colorado State University Parking and Transportation Services discussed a proposal for alternative parking permits for the 2017-2018 academic year at a information session Thursday night.
The session was facilitated by the Vice President for University Operations, Lynn Johnson.
CSU Parking Services has spent the last year analyzing how the current parking system is utilized by staff and students to create a new proposal for next year. This was created for the CSU Board of Governors meeting, which will meet on May 1 to hear the proposal. The members of this board are responsible for the implementation of the new plan.
“The university is trying to be responsive to all of the voices on campus and provide options so that we meet the needs of the entire constituency of our campus, students included,” Johnson said.
There are new permit options available to students and staff in this proposal.
Johnson said new alternative parking passes will be available in the next academic year. Students will be able to purchase a pass that is valid on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for three-fifths the cost of a regular pass. A Tuesday and Thursday pass that will be two-fifths the cost of a regular pass will also be available. Johnson said she believes the permits will open up more parking spaces overall.
In addition there will be a new low-cost section of parking available to students and staff in the Moby Arena lot. These passes will be $400 and will require that permit holders’ vehicles are vacated from the lot on game days by 4 p.m.
All current parking permit rates are going to increase an average of three percent, Johnson said. However, resident hall permits will increase by $152 because the price did not rise during the 2016 academic year.
Johnson said several faculty members and students were concerned with the increase in parking costs.
“We do encourage alternative transportation and our pricing is a piece of that,” Johnson said. “Fewer cars create a smaller carbon foot print and CSU is a green university. It’s who we are.”
Madeline Roaldson, a freshman CSU student, attended the meeting for an explanation of the price increase.
“I was really worried that they were making changes to campus without thinking about the students, because everyone is so different in where they need to be,” Roaldson said.
After attending the open house Roaldson said she was confident in the new proposal.
“Seeing prices increase is frustrating, but it’s good to hear they have looked at the numbers and did their best to keep it low for everyone,” Roaldson said. “People need to give them a break, we don’t realize how much goes into this. We just see numbers.”
Collegian reporter Drew Smith can be reached at or on Twitter @dc6smith19.
Phi Lemon • Feb 18, 2017 at 4:13 am
0 comments — how could that be on such cerebral journalism?
I’m so glad the CSU administration government union workers only propose to increase student parking fees by 3% (or for all residence hall parking $152 next year) as they have worked their altruistic philanthropic asses off “to keep it low for everyone,” as my fellow student Roaldson said. I as well definitely want to go into deeper financial debt so that “Fewer cars create a smaller carbon foot print, and CSU is a green university. It’s who we are” as Madam Vice President for University Operations, Lynn Johnson explains. Godspeed to Lynn Johnson’s plans for a lavish retirement at my expense.