Bernie Sanders’s campaign seems to be gaining traction in a state that looked to have been lost by taking away more delegates than his opponent in the Clark County Democratic Convention, called nearly a month and a half after coming six points behind Hillary Clinton at the Nevada Democratic party caucuses.
The results of the convention surprised many by showing the senator had come out the eventual victor in a state he appeared to have lost, albeit by a small margin.
The Clark County Democratic Convention assigned delegates to represent each democratic presidential candidate at the state convention in May. It is the second step in the three-step process unique to Nevada in assigning state delegates to go to the Democratic National Convention in July.
The first step was the state caucuses, which went to Clinton by a margin of 6 percent. The next step is sending the delegates from the county level to the state convention to decide how many representatives to send to Philadelphia in July.
Sanders beat his competitor for the Democratic party nomination by about 600 votes in the convention, and has received a total of 2,964 votes to Clinton’s 2,386.
After realignment: 2,386 Clinton, 2,964 Sanders, & 7 uncommitted. 5,357 total.
— Megan Messerly (@meganmesserly) April 3, 2016
Collegian News Editor Erik Petrovich can be reached at news@collegian.com or via Twitter @EAPetrovich.