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Horoscopes Sept. 25 to Oct. 1

Collegian | Brooke Beresford

Horoscopes can be applied to your sun, moon and rising signs.

Dear stars,


We have finally made it to Libra season. If Libras are not your cup of tea, that’s OK. The true meaning of this time is all about feeling free and embracing your true self. The presence of Venus in Leo until Oct. 8, adds a significant boost to this season, encouraging couples to pair up. 

Best of luck,

A Sagittarius Moon

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

You are all about looking deep within yourself right now, Aries. You are facing your shadow self and learning to overcome challenges. Be proud of your efforts because you are moving toward a better you.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

Pumpkins, lattes and flannels are all around. Taurus, if you’ve been waiting for a new boo this Halloween season, keep an eye out in the next couple days. A secret admirer may be on the way to share something with you.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

People can’t help but feel comforted by your empathetic and giving aura. You’re like the warmth of pumpkin spice: always there when someone needs you because you understand energy and recognize those who would genuinely reciprocate that care.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

You tend to be shy about being in groups, but you’ve been immersing yourself in more friendship lately. You want to embrace your social life and have genuinely been enjoying life more every day. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):

You value trust the most, but when someone decides to break that, you can’t handle them anymore. It is OK to set boundaries and distance yourself from someone who may be causing you harm. You will get better in the long run. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23):

As your season comes to a close, be sure to journal what you’ve learned. You are going to gain insight, as Libra is also a thinking sort of season. Be proud of the growth you’ve achieved, Virgo. 


(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

Happy birthday, Libra! You have been going through a massive transformation over the last couple months. You are learning more about yourself than ever. The universe will bless you with abundant experiences this year.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

You tend to be open about your life journey and your experiences in the world. You may have started a side hustle in recent weeks that will allow you to connect with more people eager to hear your words of motivation.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21):

You want to know where you are with life now. Well, the compass doesn’t stop pointing north to the mountains, Sagittarius. You must continue on and reflect on your journey as often as you can. All will be revealed in a coincidental way this week.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19):

You have quite a charming side to you, Capricorn. You like the weekends because they allow you to be social after a busy work week. You are ready to show someone your feelings because you haven’t been feeling so shy.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb 18):

You enjoy being alone and independent, but there are times you want to see your friends and they are not around to socialize. The universe is asking you to go outside more often because you will have encounters that will bring you great realizations about the world around you.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):

You are fascinated by the afterlife and exploring the deep knowledge of our universe. You will encounter a spiritual experience this week that will set you off to a new adventure or project you’ve been holding yourself back from.

Reach Abby Flores at or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.

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