“Humanity has unquestionably one effective weapon—laughter,” Mark Twain famously said. Twain certainly knew something about the value of humor, but was he right?
How does comedy impact Colorado State University students? Does it impact our overall worldviews or is it simply a forum for laughs? And how does it shape our CSU community at large?
“I kind of like vulgar comedy,” said Cassidy Conroy, a freshman psychology major. “It kind of lets me take things not too seriously.”
Conroy said it also “brings a lot of light to the situation.”
Conroy is a fan of “Rick and Morty” and Ethan Klein, who produces a YouTube channel, h3h3.
“It is very adult humor,” Conroy said, of ‘Rick and Morty.’ They take concepts that are not usually in cartoon shows and make them a joke.”
Emma Gennell also said comedy is uplifting.
“I think it brings joy and stress relief to my day,” Gennell, a senior music major, said. “Laughter is a great way to relieve stress.”
Gennell also said comedy helps impact her general outlook.
“I would say laughter makes me positive and look at things positively,” Gennell said.
Gennell is a fan of Jimmy Fallon.
“I like that he is family friendly and has goofy humor,” Gennell said.
For Lauren Hunt, a senior English major, comedy offers a “mental break” and a chance to “take my mind off things,” she said.
Laughter is a great way to relieve stress”-Emma Gennell, senior music major
For others, comedy offers an opportunity for personal connection.
“I have made a lot of my friends through funny situations,” said Emilee Robison, a sophomore fashion merchandising major.
Robison also said she jokes about test results with fellow cohorts in her major. Robison noted that this approach helps brighten dark situations.
For Brooke Hernandez, a sophomore sociology major, comedy offers connections via cultural references.
“I feel like in conversations with friends, the majority have references to movies and shows,” Hernandez said.
Hernandez said she and her friends often quote “Anchorman” and “Dumb and Dumber.”
Emily Fuller, a sophomore health and exercise science major, thinks telling jokes offer a better way of finding common ground with people.
“It helps understand someone’s perspective,” Fuller said.
With many comedians and comedic forums such as “Saturday Night Live” addressing current political and social matters, how does humor shape our worldviews?
“Comedians have a way of really lightening different issues…to make them more digestible,” Gennell said.
Fun fact:
According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter improves one’s immune system.
Hunt agreed.
“I think it helps me think differently about issues,” Hunt said.
What impact can comedy have on us all as Rams?
“I think comedy would be something that would relieve stress,” Conroy said. “Just laughing and smiling makes you happier even if you are having a bad day.”
Some said shared personal connections over humor can positively impact the CSU community.
“I think it makes it feel more like a community when you can bond with people,” Hernandez said.
Hunt thinks the Ram community needs to stop taking things so seriously and have more fun.
Collegian reporter Nick Botkin can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com. His Twitter handle is @dudesosad.