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By Trigg Skoe
We wake up and find ourselves searching for the least smelly set of clothes, grab either a coffee or a Red Bull and force that smile before the first round of happy-go-lucky customers arrive. From the drunken group of guys on a bachelor party to the timid foreign family, we have experienced it all. We always hope for the strong, light group of fun people, but are usually stuck with the opposite.
Don’t get me wrong, raft guiding is a blast, but until you are going through a class IV rapid while trying to rescue a 300 pound man, with his three kids, and a flipped raft, you haven’t experienced panic. I think a large misconception of rafting is that the job is all fun and no work. It is a lot of fun, but there are other factors that aren’t so much.
Guiding is a great job and it brings along with it a community you won’t find anywhere else. We spend our days on the river and get paid to do it. For many of us this is what keeps us coming back. Many guides go on to become teachers and engineers and guide in their free time, but there are also many who find themselves searching for water turning guiding into a career.
So, before you sign into a training program for a raft guide position, make sure you are ready for some of the craziest times of your life and a passion that will be lifelong.