Usually, the Fort Collins Focus is a half-page image printed in every copy of The Rocky Mountain Collegian and published online during the normal publication schedule. As many students have traveled home due to COVID-19, we have broadened the scope of the Fort Collins Focus to showcase our photographer’s work from around the country. The focus section was established as a place for Collegian photographers to report on the community and its members in a photojournalistic format, and we will continue our coverage from around the country.
This gallery will be updated weekly as we continue our coverage of COVID-19 in Fort Collins and around the country.
People wave from the back of a Lockheed C-130 Hercules as it flies over UCHealth Poudre Valley Hospital to show support for essential and health care workers on May 6, 2020. (Devin Cornelius | The Collegian)
Collegian | Devin Cornelius -
Four F-16s of the Colorado Air National Guard 140th Wing fly over Poudre Valley Hospital May 6. (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)
Two nurses sit outside Poudre Valley Hospital waiting for the Colorado Air National Guard 140th Wing F-16 flyover May 6. (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)
Transfort buses sit at the University Transit Center on April 11, 2020. The Horn will have a major route detour starting on March 16. (Devin Cornelius | The Collegian)
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An aerial view of Morgan Library. The library is encouraging students to document their experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak for the University Archives. (Devin Cornelius | Collegian)
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Man reaches for hand sanitizer. (Photo illustration by Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)
A local Portland, Oregon, elementary school displays their final reader board message of the year while masked parent volunteers in the background utilize the parking lot for safe food distribution to provide for families in need April 14. (Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian )
Homes in Portland, Oregon display encouraging hand-made signs in their front yards for the audience of walking neighbors. Apr 14 ( Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian )
Friends and family gather in their cars outside the house of Portland, Oregon, resident Natalie Day to celebrate her 21st birthday with a drive-by parade on April 23. (Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian)
With grocery shortages and more free time, many people are turning to gardening as both a hobby and source of fresh food. (Ryan Schmidt | The Collegian)
An empty Newsom Hall dorm room after the residents moved out. (Lucy Morantz | The Collegian)
A woman fills a car with gas while wearing nitrile gloves to avoid spreading or contracting COVID-19. (Lucy Morantz | The Collegian)
Greg Barbosa does flutter kicks while holding weights in the living room of his Fort Collins home April 17. (Ian Fuster | The Collegian)
Local volunteers transfer groceries from Sunset Presbyterian Church to volunteer delivery drivers waiting outside. The food goes to low-income and high-risk families across the Portland, Oregon, metro area in this time of extreme need in the Northwest and around the world, April 15. (Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian)
A large stuffed bear sits in the window of a home in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood, joining the national “Bear Hunt” movement designed to entertain families and children April 10. (Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian)
Homes in Portland, Oregon, display encouraging handmade signs in their front yards for the audience of walking neighbors April 14. (Alyssa Uhl | The Collegian)
Cottonwood Creek park in Colorado Springs, along with most parks in the state, has closed its playgrounds and placed signs reminding people to keep their space. (Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)
Cottonwood Creek park in Colorado Springs, along with most parks in the state, has closed its playgrounds and placed signs reminding people to keep their space. (Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)
Cottonwood Creek Park in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and most parks in the state have closed their playgrounds and placed signs reminding people to keep their space. (Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)
Robin Erickson and her roommate, Adam, load up a car after moving out of their dorm room at the University of Northern Colorado. (Ian Fuster | The Collegian)
Robin Erickson loads her the car after moving out of her dorm room at the University of Northern Colorado. (Ian Fuster | The Collegian)
NoCo Nosh Food Delivery worker Debi Baker picks up an order from Chick’nCone in downtown Fort Collins. “NoCo Nosh has given gloves and hand sanitizer to all their workers,” Baker said. “It has been really good financially, but it sucks. I’m 61. I’m in that at-risk age group.” (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
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UPS provider Jesse Weber makes the daily route, delivering packages to people and businesses in Downtown Fort Collins. Weber received gloves after delivering to a dentist and received the mask from a woodworker. “I’m bringing people toilet paper, antibacterial wipes, dog food, Comcast, making it happen,” Weber said. “Because, you know, a lot of people can’t leave their house.” (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
NoCo Nosh Food Delivery worker Debi Baker picks up an order from Chick’nCone in downtown Fort Collins. “NoCo Nosh has given gloves and hand sanitizer to all their workers,” Baker said. “It has been really good financially, but it sucks. I’m 61. I’m in that at-risk age group.” (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
UPS service provider Jesse Weber makes the daily route delivering packages to people and businesses in downtown Fort Collins. Weber received gloves after delivering to a dentist and received the mask from a woodworker. “I’m bringing people toilet paper, antibacterial wipes, dog food, Comcast, making it happen,” Weber said. “Because, you know, a lot of people can’t leave their house.” (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
UPS service provider Jesse Weber makes the daily route delivering packages to people and businesses in downtown Fort Collins. Weber received gloves after delivering to a dentist and received the mask from a woodworker. “I’m bringing people toilet paper, antibacterial wipes, dog food, Comcast, making it happen,” Weber said. “Because, you know, a lot of people can’t leave their house.” (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
With chairs stacked to prevent social gathering, workers serve coffee inside the Bean Cycle in downtown Fort Collins April 2. Effective March 26, Larimer County Public Health Director Tom Gonzales issued a stay-at-home order requiring all individuals in Larimer County to stay at home except for food and essential services. (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
City of Fort Collins Parks and Maintenance worker Emily Bredehoeft sanitizes the Downtown Fort Collins handrails, trash cans, chairs and tables. Bredehoeft said not much has changed in their routine except upping the frequency of their cleaning. “Usually this takes place in the morning around 5 a.m., so no one sees us, but we are coming out and doing this about two, three times a day now,” Bredehoeft said. (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
A “closed” sign hangs on the back of a bear statue in an interactive park in downtown Fort Collins. Effective March 26, Larimer County Public Health Director Tom Gonzales issued a stay-at-home order requiring all individuals in Larimer County to stay at home except for food and essential services. (Brooke Buchan | The Collegian)
Collegian | Brooke Buchan 2019 -
Patrick Saylor grabs a hold while projecting a boulder called Boss Hog rated v10 at Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, Maryland, March 21. The climbers at this location, which did not exceed 10 people, avoided standing near each other and used wipes to clean their hands. (Anna von Pechmann | The Collegian)
Wet wipes used by climbers at a boulder called Boss Hog rated v10 at Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, Maryland, March 21. The climbers at this location, which did not exceed 10 people, avoided standing near each other and used wipes to clean their hands. (Anna von Pechmann | The Collegian)
Patrick Saylor closes his eyes and takes a breath after falling onto a crash pad while projecting a boulder called Boss Hog rated v10 at Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, Maryland, March 21. The climbers at this location, which did not exceed 10 people, avoided standing near each other and used wipes to clean their hands. (Anna von Pechmann | The Collegian) Today Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan issued a Stay-at-Home Order, effective at 8 p.m. EST tonight. (Anna von Pechmann | The Collegian)
Colorado State University animal science major and freshman Dixie Posey (left), Jennifer Posey-Williams (right) and Ivan Williams (center) load a truck while moving Posey out of Academic Village March 25. Posey is concerned about doing work from her parents’ home in Harvey, North Dakota, because “going back home, there’s different kinds of distractions.” (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)
Colorado State University landscape architecture major and freshman Camy Seelhoff loads her family’s car while moving out of Aspen Hall March 25 following the request by the CSU administration for freshmen to move out of the dorms if they can. (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)
Colorado State University biomedical sciences major and freshman Chaia Geltser (right) is helped by her mother, Anna Geltser (left), and sister, Ettie Geltser (center), to load their car after moving out of Ingersoll Hall March 25. “It probably is for the best, but it’s tough for sure,” Geltser said. “I think that CSU organized it really well though.” (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)
Executive Shine shoe shiner Oscar Martinez waits for customers at Denver International Airport March 18. “We’re slow,” Martinez said. “The only customers I’ve had today were actually airport employees. That’s it. And one passenger. … Most of our customers are business travelers, and last week, a lot of our business travelers told us that their employers told them that that was their last week flying. No more flying out for business until further notice.” (Anna von Pechmann | The Collegian)
The photographers can be reached at or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.