The Fort Collins Focus is a half-page image printed in every copy of The Rocky Mountain Collegian and published online during normal the publication schedule. The focus section was established as a place for Collegian photographers to report on the community and its members in a photojournalistic format.
Kelsey Feng plays the Chinese zither at the Visual Showcase of International Activities Feb. 27. Feng is a student from China who is at Colorado State University for a year teaching Chinese and the Chinese zither. She began playing this 21-stringed instrument, also called a guzheng, when she was 5 years old. She wears picks on her fingers while playing a traditional Chinese song. The showcase was one of the many sessions in the CSU International Symposium, which took place between Feb. 25-27. (Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)Nadia Parriott plays in a pinball tournament at Pinball Jones in Old Town Feb. 23. Parriott has been playing pinball for almost 2 1/2 years, her favorite machine being either Bonzai Run or Elvira’s House of Horrors. Parriott originally is from New York City, coming to Fort Collins for “art and love,” the latter playing a bigger part, she says. Now she and her husband reside in Fort Collins, hoping to move to Golden, Colorado, to be closer to the mountains. (Luke Bourland | The Collegian)Mary Lou Blevins participates in a class about journaling with mandalas in the Blue Moose Art Gallery Feb. 13. The instructor, artist Donna Bearden, who has been a photographer for most of her life, got into mandalas when she “learned about Carl Jung, the psychologist, who drew mandalas every morning.” Bearden herself “used it to work through some long-standing issues” and has developed her art form from there, using photography and other mediums to create and teach about mandalas. Each month of class has a different focus. This class, the group focused on “questions of the heart.” (Ryan Schmidt | The Collegian)Luna, left, and Juda, right, enjoy the Colorado snow in City Park Feb. 13. Their grandmother Mel, a Fort Collins resident, worked at Colorado State University’s Allison Hall for 13.5 years. She recently bought the American Flyer sled for her grandchildren to use. “Even if it is for a few hours every season, they enjoy it,” Mel said. (Skyler Pradhan | The Collegian)Father-daughter duo Kevin and Lucy Lehner sell cookies on the Colorado State University campus in the sunny weather Feb. 5. While holding a box of Thin Mints, Lucy said she hoped she could sell 375 boxes of cookies so that her troop could do fun things like archery and pool parties. (Luke Bourland | The Collegian)Colorado State University student Kyndall Thompson adds some finishing touches to her newly constructed snowman. Thompson is an art education major and stopped to build her snowman on campus outside Braiden Hall before heading to class Feb. 6. (Anna Montesanti | The Collegian)Junior Jeb Hartman and senior Carly Spaulding, along with other members of the Colorado State University Chess Club, play each other in chess in The Lory Student Center on Feb. 5. Spaulding discovered the club through Hartman, who had gone to the club one time before and was taught the fundamentals of chess as a kid from his father. Hartman hopes to learn more chess theory and break down the game during his time in the club. “You can have the same opening over and over,” Hartman said. “The game is just so complex, so it’s just fun to look at new options and find new challenges and meet new people.” (Lucy Morantz | The Collegian)Colorado State University wildlife conservation biology student Drew Hurdorn practices for his performance at the Black History Month Kickoff Jan. 29. Hurdorn discovered his love for the saxophone when he was 12 years old and played throughout high school. His favorite genre to play is rhythm and blues, and he has been practicing during his free time while in school at CSU. “Music is my passion because to me it’s the most profound type of self expression,” Hurdorn said. “I don’t find time to play often, so playing at the kickoff really is a privilege.” (Addie Kuettner | The Collegian)
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