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The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

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Photo courtesy of IMP Awards.

Redbox Review: The Interview

Zach Johnson May 13, 2015

Every so often, there is a film that brings together the American public to rally for something they truly believe in. Last year, that film was not Selma, Still Alice or another dead-serious drama film...

Source: @Vixeninwaiting- Instagram

Why we need feminism

Madeline Gallegos May 12, 2015

Feminism isn’t just a women’s movement. It’s not a cause rooted in the hatred of men and the burning of bras. It’s also not a concept that promotes the idea that women should rule the world and...

What no one tells you about college

What no one tells you about college

Celine Wolff May 8, 2015

"College is great! You'll have so much fun! Don't party too hard!" These are all the things we hear again and again before we head to college. But there are some things you just can't prepare for, and...

B.A.R.E. & Weekend Forecast

B.A.R.E. & Weekend Forecast

Austin Harley May 8, 2015

If you're planning on attending the B.A.R.E. event on campus this evening, be prepared for less than ideal conditions. It will likely rain for the duration of the event, and as the night goes on it appears...

Summer to-do's in Fort Collins

Summer to-do’s in Fort Collins

Hallie Gardner May 7, 2015

Less than 2 weeks, Rams! You've got this, so hang in there. This post is for all of you that aren't packing up and leaving Fort Collins for the summer. I've compiled a few must-do activities to enjoy your...

Yes, there is snow on the way...

Yes, there is snow on the way…

Austin Harley May 6, 2015

Sick of all the rain and clouds? Well, settle in. It's here to stay for several more days. Thursday will be another humid day, but showers should hold off for a few hours. Expect overcast skies in the...

Photo courtesy of Stanley Film Festival website.

Stanley Film Festival 2015: Follow-Up Film Reviews

Zach Johnson May 6, 2015

This last weekend, I went up to Estes Park to see some movies at the Stanley Film Festival, a fantastic horror-themed festival taking place in and around the historic Stanley Hotel (which famously inspired...

More wet weather, weekend looks soggy

More wet weather, weekend looks soggy

Austin Harley May 6, 2015

Gray skies and showers will return again Wednesday. Throughout the morning we may see a brief, light shower. Rain becomes more widespread this afternoon with temperatures only reaching the low to mid-sixties. There's...


Reconsidering the B-word

Madeline Gallegos May 4, 2015

The B-word-- you know the one I mean-- is a term that has existed in many contexts for many decades. It can mean a lot of things: a female dog, to complain or whine about something, but perhaps most significantly,...

Get your letters of rec!

Get your letters of rec!

Hallie Gardner May 4, 2015

Here's a blog post for all of you soon-to-be graduates out there (congratulations, by the way). I know that the end of the year is approaching quickly and before you know it, you'll be up on that stage...

Weather: Soggy start to the week

Weather: Soggy start to the week

Austin Harley May 3, 2015

Well, if you like rain and rumbles of thunder, you're in luck! We have several days of that on the way. It all begins Monday with morning showers and a few areas of fog. Things should quiet down a bit...

Forecast: Stormy afternoons ahead

Forecast: Stormy afternoons ahead

Austin Harley April 30, 2015

Temperatures Thursday afternoon are expected to be more than ten degrees above normal, nearing the 80 degree mark. A weak thunderstorm is possible throughout the remainder of the daylight hours. This is...

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