Many great dishes and recipes call for one of my favorite things, dairy, specifically milk. Hot chocolate, béchamel sauce, country gravy, are just the first few things that come to my mind that have a milk or cream base. If you have not learned by now, anything that can be medicated will get medicated around here, and this time we will tackle marijuana milk. This is another simple recipe to medicate and add to your edible arsenal.
Since we are medicating a liquid, it is important to remember that your body will absorb the cannabinoids in both the gastrointestinal and oral uptake method. This means there should be a quick activating high and a high that is going to take some time to kick in. That is if you consume it in its liquid form and do not cook with it, hot chocolate being one of the exceptions. If you want to learn more about cannabis beverages and how they work, take a look at the cannabis beverage blog post here.
Cannabinoids like THC need high fat content to bind to for this recipe to work, so fat free and 2 percent milk will not work. High fat nut milks and other like milks work too, but I am not lactose intolerant and love myself, so I will not be using those in the recipe.
1 gallon of whole milk or heavy cream (or a combo of both)
½ oz-1 ½ ozs of finely grated marijuana
The amount of cannabis used is obviously a personal preference based off your tolerance and the potency of the flower being used. I have a higher edible tolerance, so I use 1-1 ½ ounces of cannabis. I also like to use a higher CBD strain personally for marijuana milk, because of it’s sedative qualities. It is suggested to use both milk and cream, because of the cream’s higher fat content, and for the viscosity of milk. I like a two to one or three to one milk to cream ratio. For this recipe you will also need a double boiler, or make one with pots or bowls you have at home.
- Finely grate your cannabis and mix it into your milk, cream or combo
- Heat the water in the bottom portion of your double boiler to a simmer (DO NOT BRING TO A BOIL)
- Once the water is simmering, place your pot with your cannabis/milk mixture on top
- Stir regularly for at least 30 minutes, maximum of 3 hours
- Remove from heat and let cool
- Once a temperature you can handle, strain through cheesecloth and a fine mesh strainer into an airtight container
Now you have some potent marijuana milk you can use in any recipe calling for milk, or just have it with your morning cereal. Though that probably would not taste good. It is your call though. I like to use this with cream sauces, but if you like the combination of chocolate and weed, this is the number one way to make it medicated.
Collegian Blogger Dylan Simonson can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @DylanSimonson0