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The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Austin Fleskes, Managing Editor. (Forrest Czarnecki | The Collegian)

Fleskes: I wrote my way out, and it was great: Goodbye Collegian

Austin Fleskes May 10, 2020

Editor’s Note: Traditionally, graduating seniors working at The Collegian are given the chance to write a farewell note at the end of their tenure at CSU. Dear reader, I thought of around a million...

Henry Griffin plays Counter Strike: Global Offensive at Local Host in Lakewood, Colorado on Feb. 15, 2020. The Colorado State University CS:GO team played the Colorado School of Mines and University of Colorado, Boulder teams, winning against Colorado School of Mines 2-0 and losing against CU 0-2. (Austin Fleskes | Collegian)

CSU’s Counter-Strike Green Team play as competitors and friends

Austin Fleskes April 26, 2020

Whether it is in the dark of a large warehouse-like hosting arena or at home in the comfort of a childhood bedroom, faces illuminated by the glow of a computer monitor mean one thing for esports competitors:...

CAM the Ram flashes his KGB badge. CAM recently was exposed as being a KGB agent on assignment to destroy CSU Football's record. (Smack Attackit | The Wake Up Slap)

Two-legged CAM revealed as KGB agent sent to destroy CSU football

Austin Fleskes March 31, 2020

Over the last few years, many fans of Colorado State University football have wondered how the team has gone downhill so quickly. But a recent exposé has revealed the reason: an inside agent. In a report...

A frightened Tony Frank answers questions after being found hiding in a closet playing "Animal Crossing" on his Nintendo Switch. (Smack Attackit | The Wake Up Slap)

Tony Frank found hiding in closet, playing Animal Crossing amid outbreak

Austin Fleskes March 31, 2020

While Colorado State University administration scrambled to address questions and concerns from worried students and the campus community, one prominent figure was unable to be found for several weeks:...

A CSU Surveillance Goose flies away from campus after being laid off due to having no students to watch amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Smack Attackit | The Wake Up Slap)

Campus surveillance geese laid off amid COVID-19 outbreak

Austin Fleskes March 31, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down businesses and costing people jobs, Colorado State University saw its own spree of layoffs in the form of a well-established surveillance program. Due to the lack...

With Colorado State University experiencing more and more high-profile incidents of bias, students along with University administration are searching for ways to make CSU a more welcoming and safe place for everyone on campus. As President Joyce McConnell and administration role out ideas like the Race, Bias and Equity Initiative, students continue to push for ways to make CSU inclusive for all kinds of people. (Photo Illustration by Amy Noble and Matt Tackett)

Taking a step back: Past, present and future of bias at CSU

Austin Fleskes March 25, 2020

This article was written in collaboration with The Colorado Sun and will be published on both The Collegian's website as well as The Sun's. Check out the story on The Colorado Sun website here.  A noose,...

Jairus Crabb drops off their ballot at the ballot box outside of the Lory Student Center on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. (Matt Tackett | The Collegian)

Bernie Sanders wins Colorado primary, Biden wins Super Tuesday

Austin Fleskes, Ravyn Cullor, Laura Studley, and Serena Bettis March 4, 2020

This article is accurate to results as of Wednesday night. It will be updated as complete primary results are finalized. Latest update as of 11:00 p.m.  After the first major primaries night across the...

David Stitzel works on refurbishing a bike in his home near Colorado State University's campus in central Fort Collins. Stitzel refurbishes and fixes bikes that he later donates to people in need through a partnership with the FoCo Cafe. (Forrest Czarnecki | The Collegian)

The wheel deal, one man’s mission to help those in need

Austin Fleskes September 22, 2019

David Stitzel, a long-time resident of Fort Collins, has turned his experiences and hardships into a non-profit program which provides bicycles to those in need. David Stitzel has been through it all:...

People watch and listen to the Associated Students of Colorado State University senate session Sept. 18, 2019, from the overflow room during a discussion of the blackface image that has been circulating on social media recently. The senate session was moved to the North Ballroom of the Lory Student Center to a accommodate for an unusually large crowd size.  (Forrest Czarnecki | The Collegian)

CSU students respond to blackface photo

Austin Fleskes September 18, 2019

After the photo of four Colorado State University students, which quickly became known as the blackface photo, hit campus last week, it became the talk of the student body. Some were appalled, some were...

Leana Kaplan speaks on the CTV set about her involvement with three individuals in a photo that has been deemed by many, including Colorado State University itself, blackface. (Photo via CTV)

EXCLUSIVE: Leana Kaplan speaks out about blackface photo

Austin Fleskes September 16, 2019

Leana Kaplan is one of four individuals depicted in a photo wearing what has been called by many, including Colorado State University itself, blackface. In an exclusive interview on Monday, Sept. 16,...

The cover of The Rocky Mountain Collegian on September 12, 2001. (Anna von Pechmann | Collegian)

A silent campus: CSU during 9/11

Austin Fleskes and Ravyn Cullor September 10, 2019

How The Collegian and all of the campus dealt with a day of terror and the new America.  Silence. That is how the Colorado State University’s campus was described the day that two planes struck the...

Austin Fleskes, Managing Editor. (Forrest Czarnecki | The Collegian)

Meet the editor: Austin Fleskes, Managing Editor

Austin Fleskes August 25, 2019

Austin Fleskes is nothing but ready and eager to serve as The Rocky Mountain Collegian’s managing editor for the 2019-20 school year. Fleskes is originally from Highlands Ranch, Colorado, and now lives...

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