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I’m sure some of you have sat in class while your stomach rumbled, unable to even begin to focus on anything except the thought of filling your stomach. Once the class ends, you rush to the dining hall to fulfill your desires with a juicy meal. But once you walk in, the line is wrapped around the hallway, there isn’t a single open table in sight and your stomach grows angrier.
This happens almost every time I try to eat lunch at Braiden Dining Center, which is a bummer because I think it has the best food. I don’t live near Braiden, so maybe that is why I like it so much — I don’t allow myself to get sick of it.
“Braiden is in the ultimate location, as it is right next to where most classes are held, but that also contributes to the business. I think the large crowd makes the whole experience unenjoyable, which makes the food less delicious.“
I think Braiden has the perfect variety of food. RAMwich is a major plus along with the best sweets because there is always some type of pie or cake. I love that they do quesadillas and grilled cheese, too.
Braiden is in the ultimate location, as it is right next to where most classes are held, but that also contributes to the business. I think the large crowd makes the whole experience unenjoyable, which makes the food less delicious.
As much as I hate being trapped in a zoo when it gets busy, I love the size of Braiden. That is probably why so many people go there — it has the best vibe. They are always playing good music, and it feels homey, unlike The Foundry and Ram’s Horn Dining Center, which both feel a little prison-like. The Foundry is too big, especially if you are trying to find your friend who has already sat down — it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And Ram’s Horn just doesn’t offer much except the Mongolian Grill.
I am not saying there is anything we should directly do about this conflict, except maybe eat at Braiden less. I usually eat lunch there once a week, and I try to get there on the earlier side of lunch.
One time my friend and I planned to grab lunch at Braiden after class. We got there around 11:30 a.m., and it was empty enough to grab a table. The table we were at had six seats. My friend and I were both sitting in the middle seats on either side, and our backpacks were on the chairs closest to the wall.
We got all of our lunch fixings and sat down, but the dining hall was filling up. We ate, and we chatted about what we should do during the upcoming weekend. We finished our lunch and began eating our dessert as someone came up to our table and asked, “Is this seat open?” I had a mouth full of pie, so my friend answered, “yes.” He sat with his back to me, but my phone was placed right in front of him, as I previously tossed it on the table. He awkwardly glanced at me like I had killed his dog and handed me my phone.
My friend and I then got up and cleared our dishes. We were both confused and amused because the experience was so strange. Don’t get me wrong, we were happy to share our table, but it was clear he did not want to sit with us. He just had no other option.
With all of this being said, Braiden is the best dining hall, so I understand why it gets so busy. But if you happen to not like it that much, stop going and free up a table.
Reach Charlotte Seymour at letters@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.