Editor’s Note: All opinion section content reflects the views of the individual author only and does not represent a stance taken by The Collegian or its editorial board.
As February and March have come and gone and snow storms have started to fade to the back of our minds — until we get news of a freak snowstorm in May — students look forward to their favorite activities they have been unable to experience for months. People are wearing shorts and tank tops, students are lying on picnic blankets in The Oval to study or read, students are playing each other in Spikeball tournaments and volleyball games are happening by the Colorado State University Student Recreation Center.
Spring and summer are finally upon our doorstep, and students at CSU are basking in every moment. After so many chilly months full of wind, rain, snow and freezing temperatures, the sun is making an appearance and lighting CSU’s campus up.
While some students may be fans of the cooler temperatures and accessorizing with their favorite hats and scarves, you cannot deny that CSU’s campus is so much better when it is warmer.
“Without the warmer weather, campus would be sullen and barren once again. People would still be cooped up in the buildings as they try to keep warm and attempt to come up with reasons to get up when their bed is so warm and outside is so cold.”
During the colder months, campus is barren. Students do not stay outside for long; they stay cooped up in Morgan Library or the Lory Student Center, enjoying a hot beverage at their coffee shop of choice. Even the trees are barren, lacking their usual foliage in the winter months. Walking through campus on your way to your next class is lonely when it is cold.
However, once the temperatures start to climb, everything becomes so much better. Students can be found outside as they study or talk to their friends, the trees start to bloom again and you can clearly see that people start to smile more. Thanks to the warmer weather, CSU’s campus is becoming its lively self once again.
Motivation among students increases when it starts to get warmer as well. Campus is filled with a newfound energy because of the warmer weather, and students can find motivation in finishing their work so they can play a game of Spikeball with their friends on the Intramural Fields or find a group of friends to study with on The Oval.
Everyone’s mood improves by basking in the warmth of the sun after months of staying inside. Sunshine is a simple remedy for a tedious day of classes. Thanks to warm weather making an appearance, there are more smiles walking through campus, more laughter as people take time between classes to catch up with friends and there is a general feeling of joy on campus — all thanks to warm weather making an appearance.
Without the warmer weather, campus would be sullen and barren once again. People would still be cooped up in the buildings as they try to keep warm and attempt to come up with reasons to get up when their bed is so warm and outside is so cold.
The arrival of warmer weather makes every experience on campus better. From walking to your next class to being able to spend time with friends outside, take advantage of the warm weather, and appreciate just how much it does for CSU’s campus.
Reach Hana Pavelko at letters@collegian.com or on Twitter @hanasolo13.