The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened Feb. 14 for the 19th session of the 53rd senate.
The session began with executive reports, in which President Nick DeSalvo updated senate on recent CSU System Board of Governors meetings.
DeSalvo said an undergraduate tuition increase for the upcoming academic year is likely, although no official announcement has been made.
Judicial reports followed, with Deputy Chief Justice Jamie Binder issuing the supreme court’s opinion on a recent case.
The opinion determined that senate is constitutionally able to edit the ASCSU Referenda and Elections Code upon endorsement from the elections manager.
Moving into confidence business, senate considered Resolution #5303, “Passage of the Accessibility Caucus Report.”
The resolution intends to adopt the Accessibility Caucus’ recently completed report as an official piece of ASCSU legislation.
The 40-page report encompasses every campus building, primarily examining the functionality of automatic door buttons. The report also recommends increased ASCSU involvement in campus accessibility efforts, including additional student outreach initiatives and cooperation with CSU Facilities Management.
Accessibility Caucus Chair Sammy Trout read a drafted statement from Chair-Emeritus Ruairí Low, saying, “The Accessibility Caucus is more than a caucus; it is a true community. I hope this caucus will leave a legacy of inclusion, compassion and education.”
The caucus intends to expand its scope beyond door buttons in the future, allowing for continual student input in campus accessibility programs.
Senate approved the legislation with unanimous consent.
The legislative body also considered Resolution #5305, “Rams United Against Housing Insecurity.”
The legislation aims to create a new university-sponsored board focused on housing security issues, ideally combating the rising costs of basic needs across Fort Collins.
The legislative author, Senator Morgan Snyder, believes the formation of a campus board will allow for greater student input in the housing process, especially for students living off-campus.
The legislative body approved the legislation with unanimous consent.
Reach Sam Hutton at or on Twitter @Sam_Hut14.
Sammy Trout, Chair, Accessibility Caucus • Feb 21, 2024 at 7:52 pm
Howdy y’all
Huge shoutout to the incredible advocates within the Accessibility Caucus. I am so proud of this group and am excited to see them continue to advocate for students with disabilities. If you are interested in reading the report, you can find it in the linktree of our Instagram @accessascsu.
In community <3