The re-park program for the on campus stadium was presented for the second time at the Associated Students for Colorado State University senate Wednesday evening.
The presentation was the University’s first roll out of the re-park program. This year’s housing and dining guide, mailed to prospective CSU students, also includes information on the re-park program.
The re-park program is the parking initiative for the on campus stadium. Students living the residents halls will be asked to move their cars to one of three remote lots on game days.
Fred Haberecht, assistant director of facilities management, and Joe Parker, the CSU athletic director, presented the plan to ASCSU.
Members of ASCSU expressed discontent with the re-park plan and the way that it has been presented to students. The question and answer session following Haberecht and Parker’s presentation lasted just under two hours.
Some of the questions from senators included if parking permits would be discounted for students having to move their cars, how much feedback was received from students and if the Around the Horn shuttle bus program will be improved with regard to re-park. Common questions were where the idea of re-park came from and why re-park is beneficial for students.
Blanche Hughes, VP of student affairs, was in the gallery.
“From the very beginning, we tried to be as inclusive as possible,” Hughes said.
She said the committees collecting feedback about re-park communicated with as many student groups as possible, like ASCSU. Hughes said the goal was to communicate effectively and have students involved in conversation.
Parker explained that premium seating for next season is already on sale, and those purchasing seats are doing so with the expectation that they will be able to park close to the stadium.
Members of the senate asked if Parker could offer an explanation for the re-park program that did not relate to proximity parking for fans.
“I can’t really offer any other argument other than proximity parking,” Parker said.
A resolution, which promotes a New Belgium “Tour de Football,” was presented later during the meeting by ASCSU senator Duane Hansen.
His resolution would promote an alternative transportation event, similar to New Belgium’s Tour de Fat, for the new stadium.
He said his resolution would give students a chance to have their voice heard regarding not only re-park, but the new stadium as a whole. Hansen said he recognizes students are overwhelming unhappy with re-park.
“Athletics (is) basically paving over student voice,” Hansen said.
He said the biggest thing right now is to show that ASCSU is paying attention to its students. Hansen said many students are unaware of re-park and he believes his resolution would help to shed light on the issue.
“It would allow us to take further steps, if we want to, as a body,” Hansen said.
Collegian reporter Rachel Telljohn can be reached at or on Twitter @racheltelljohn.