The Associated Students of Colorado State University approved $14,350 Wednesday night to fund “India Night,” an annual event hosted by the Indian Students Association.
The event will occur Oct. 30 at The Lincoln Center.
“India Nite” will provide dancing, music and food for students and community members, according to the Indian Students Association.
The cost of the event is down this year by about $600 and is being allocated from the Board for Student Organization Funding account, said Michael Wells, ASCSU director of finance.
“India Nite” is the largest event hosted by an international community in CSU, said Adhi Pathak, an INTO coordinator who is performing in the event.
“It’s really important that we have this event because for the Indian student we have here, it’s like a home away from home,” said Pranaya Sathe, ASCSU director of community affairs. “We have not only students attending this event, but many community members, city council members and legislators. It brings a lot of cultural awareness to this University.”
ASCSU is a student organization responsible for allocating roughly $2.5 million in student fees each year.
Collegian News Editor Erin Douglas can be reached at or on Twitter @erinmdouglas23. Collegian reporter Gabriel Go can be reached at or on Twitter @rgabrielgo.