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The time everyone waits for has arrived. Better than birthdays, better than Christmas, better than Halloween: It’s Girl Scout Cookie season.
Before patiently waiting for the doorbell to ring or the booth in front of King Soopers to pop up, one must research what cookie is the best.
From worst to best, here are the Girl Scout Cookies for 2025.
9. Lemon-Ups
In 2020, Girl Scouts released Lemon-Ups, a short bread cookie with lemon icing on the bottom and motivational phrases on top. They replaced the far superior Savannah Smiles in 2020, which were lemon-flavored shortbread wedges coated in powered sugar. Lemon-Ups are a bland cookie with icing that isn’t nearly flavorful enough.

8. S’mores
The S’mores cookie is exactly what it sounds like: a sandwich cookie that tastes like graham crackers with chocolate and marshmallow filling. It’s a fine cookie, but it is incredibly sweet.

7. Do-si-dos
Do-si-dos, like the S’mores, are a sandwich oatmeal cookie with a peanut butter filling. They are a tasty peanut butter cookie, but the combination of the dry cookie with the peanut butter filling makes it feel like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with too much peanut butter. The texture of this cookie is enough to be placed at No. 7 on this list.

6. Trefoils
Trefoils are your classic shortbread cookie. It isn’t particularly special, but it’s exactly what one might want in a shortbread cookie. It is sweet, buttery and goes really well with a hot drink. There’s not much to say about this cookie.

5. Toffee-tastic
Toffee-tastics are another shortbread cookie. These ones are bumped up because of the small pieces of toffee in the cookie. They are also a bit drier and more crumbly than the Trefoils, which creates more of a melt-in-your-mouth sort of texture. The shortbread cookies are tasty but nothing special, which is why they find themselves in the middle of the list.

4. Adventurefuls
Adventurefuls are the newest cookie to be released, coming out in 2022. They are a rich chocolate cookie with a caramel flavored crème center and a chocolate drizzle. If you are a chocolate fan, these are the cookies for you. They are very sweet and rich — exactly what a chocolate and caramel cookie should be.

3. Samoas
Here is where the list may become a bit controversial. Samoas are a shortbread cookie topped with shredded coconut and chocolate. Don’t get it twisted, Samoas are great. That’s why they are No. 3. However, the texture of the shredded coconut knocks it down to third place, as the coconut is just thin enough to work itself between teeth.

2. Tagalongs
Tagalongs, a chocolate-coated shortbread cookie with peanut butter in the center, is ranked at No. 2 because of it’s similarity to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. These cookies are top-tier. Everything works so well together to make a tasty cookie with a delightful texture.

1. Thin Mints
And now for No. 1: The best cookie one can buy at a cookie booth this year are Thin Mints. The mint chocolaty shortbread coated in even more chocolate is great. It never gets old. Frozen Thin Mints are even better, though most mint things are. To put them anywhere other than No. 1 would be a disservice to them and a lie to you.
Truthfully, there are not any bad Girl Scout Cookies — except for Lemon-Ups — so this list was far more difficult than expected. Enjoy this cookie season; it will only be around for a little while longer.

Reach Audrey Weishaar at life@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.