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‘Wonka’ brings nostalgia through bright, whimsical musical

Collegian | Madelyn Hendricks

The prequel to the well-known classic “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “Wonka” arrived in theaters this past December and is a sentimental film that tells the origin story of Willy Wonka ambitiously working to fulfill his dream.

This heartwarming musical develops a sweet spin on the classic character, providing a prequel that keeps people of all ages entertained.


“Wonka” follows young Wonka as an aspiring magician, inventor and chocolatier who comes to Europe in hopes of opening his own chocolate shop dedicated to his mother. However, he is faced with the fierce chocolate cartel that attempts to drive him out of business to ensure they can maintain their superiority.

With the help of those he meets along the way, Wonka recognizes the internal beauty of making chocolate, developing the lovable chocolatemaker and fantastical chocolate shop many know and love.

“Every good thing in the world starts with a dream,” Wonka says in the movie.

This film has a vibrancy that can capture the attention of all ages; it expresses rather uplifting messages of strength and bravery coupled with a setting of sweet and joyous wonder at every turn.

“Wonka” has received much success, grossing over $500 million at the box office. This showcases how much audiences still enjoy stories of the lovable chocolatemaker years after the original adaptation of Roald Dahl’s novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

Timothée Chalamet really brought Wonka’s character to life, bringing a charismatic, outspoken, cheerful personality that really warms the audience’s hearts. Chalamet’s performance truly reflected Wonka as a good-hearted trickster and hero who places his heart and soul into each piece of chocolate.

Each scene that displays Wonka making chocolate is truly magical, as they demonstrate that his determination and passion for creating chocolate go beyond what is expected. Chalamet did a great job of showcasing the development of Wonka’s character through the most humorous occasions and the disheartening trials he faces.

The soundtrack holds tunes with a dreamy sense of wonderment that draws audiences in with illustrative musical scenes and dance numbers. Each number holds such fluidity and brought in such a dreamlike element that invited audiences into a world of pure imagination. Although some songs were unnecessary and a little abrupt at times, they still encompassed melodies and lyrics reminiscent of the classic tale and unique to the story as well.

Some plot points appear a little silly — like chocolate that makes you fly or drowning in chocolate — but they add to the imaginative aspect of the movie and really bring this fantasy world to life on the screen.


This film provides a more modern take on Wonka, developing settings, costumes, choreography and characters that add to the nostalgia and bring a fantastical world of chocolate and dreams to the screen. Remarkable performances from Calah Lane as Noodle and Hugh Grant as Lofty the Oompa Loompa strengthen the story in many ways.

Noodle’s resilience and open heart when faced with challenges really emphasize the message of staying true to one’s dreams. Lofty’s mischievous mannerisms and antics in stealing chocolate from Wonka bring more humor into the film.

“Wonka” is one of the biggest hits of the holiday season, expressing feelings of cheer, childlike wonder and magic throughout the fantasy musical. For younger generations, it opens up a whole new part of Wonka’s story that is both spectacular and a marvel to behold.

No matter your age, this sweet-natured movie will be sure to lift spirits in a multitude of ways.

Reach Sananda Chandy at or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.

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