There’s something magical about the way that master anime filmmaker Makoto Shinkai captures a tale of love, loss, family, friendship and folklore in his newest film, “Weathering With You.”
The story follows Morishima Hodaka, a high school freshman who runs away from home to a life in the bustling city of Tokyo, where he meets the peculiar Keisuke Suga, an older man who offers him a job writing for his company.
Along the way, Hodaka encounters Amano Hina, a young girl with the power to manipulate the weather. Through their eyes, the audience is shown a compelling perspective of two young people navigating a demanding world dictated by adults, which is easier said than done.
Plagued by an unusually rainy summer, the protagonist’s life is drastically changed when Hina discovers her mystical powers are that of the fabled “Sunshine Girl.” The two team up to turn her gift into something of monetary value while also helping others, only to face the brutal truth of their actions. However, the ending isn’t stereotypical and will leave you nothing short of satisfied.
By balancing fantastical themes and a contemporary urban backdrop, this thought-provoking storyline is a fresh fairy tale that is easy to lose yourself in.”
From the intricate details in the elaborately hand-drawn animation to the beautifully crafted musical score, this film is a worthy follow-up to Shinkai’s worldwide phenomenon “Your Name.”
Within the first few seconds, you will be on the edge of your seat trying to guess whether you are in the right movie due to the accuracy of the artwork that looks more like a photograph than animation.
Cumulonimbus clouds, ridiculous amounts of rain, streams of light and a one-of-a-kind sun sodden sky showcase the obsession for perfection and the level of effort that Shinkai has placed in the production of this film. “Weathering With You” will not only take your breath away, but leave you craving more.
The visual element alone is enough to earn this film awards, but with the one-of-a-kind soundtrack that sets the tone through music video style scenes and subtitles that transcend language barriers, you have a masterpiece on your hands.
Japanese rock band RADWIMPS not only entrances listeners with the soundtrack, but perfectly summarizes the mood of the story through song. By balancing fantastical themes and a contemporary urban backdrop, this thought-provoking storyline is a fresh fairy tale that is easy to lose yourself in.
So yes, this movie is a fantasy, but it is so much more than that. It is an endearing tale of personal growth sprinkled with a side of superstition and drenched in the delightful fullness of love. Though filled to the brim with grandiosity, it is the simple moments between characters that will have you rooting for them throughout the film.
Grace Busby can be reached at