Slam poet turned rapper, Watsky performs on stage at the Fox Theater in Boulder on Oct. 28. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
Watsky opener and drummer Chukwudi Hodge performs on stage at the Fox Theater in Boulder on Oct. 28. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
Watsky performs on stage at the Fox Theater in Boulder on Oct. 28. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
During his performance at the Fox Theater in Boulder, Watsky surfs the crowd. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
During his performance at the Fox Theater in Boulder, Watsky surfs the crowd. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
Slam poet turned rapper, Watsky performs on stage at the Fox Theater in Boulder on Oct. 28. (Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
(Davis Bonner | Collegian)
Collegian | Davis
Davis Bonner can be reached at photo@collegian.com and on Twitter @backhaul_photo.