This review contains no major plot spoilers.
“The Last Jedi,” the newest installment in the Star Wars franchise, might leave fans with more questions than the number they walked in with.
The film opens where “Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” left off – Rebel forces are fighting to escape the First Order and defeat the Empire in order to restore the Republic.
Carrie Fisher completed filming for the movie before her passing, and fans rejoiced to see her once more in the role of Princess Leia Organa, leading the Rebels alongside Commander Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac).
Meanwhile, the film also follows the story of Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) who has landed on planet Ahch-To in order to convince Jedi Luke Skywalker to return to the galaxy to help the Rebels. Skywalker’s role is reprised by Mark Hamill, whose wit and dry humor are not lost in old Skywalker.
There are new, lovable characters the audience is introduced to and old characters whose return is equally as lovable (hint: blue and white, speech has to constantly be bleeped out).
Much in the same way that Episode VII held loved elements from Episode IV, so too does The Last Jedi mimic favorite scenes from Episode V, complete with an ice-looking planet and creatures and new furry friends, Porgs, that are almost as cuddly as Ewoks.
A Star Wars movie is not a Star Wars movie without at least one lightsaber duel, of which there are three, and at least one scene where Rebel fighters are zipping through the air in order to take out an expensive piece of Empire equipment. Poe likes to blow things up, as he delicately tells Leia at one point in the film.
This latest installment is a familiar mixture of Disney charm and the marvels of modern day CGI. There were multiple scenes throughout the movie that caused a collective hush or murmur of awe from the audience, because the effect spanned the entire screen, creating a resounding moment. Similarly, a “Disney” movie would not be complete without good-natured humor or moments that nearly bring a theatre to tears.
Movie goers anticipated “The Last Jedi” would resolve quite a few lingering questions from “The Force Awakens.” Who are Rey’s parents? Is Rey the last Jedi? Are there any budding romances? Will Finn (played by John Boyega) be okay?
To answer these and to leave with more questions that can only be answered by the next installment, “The Last Jedi” demands to be one of the must-see movies of the holiday season and rightfully claims is title as one of the most anticipated movies of the year.
Collegian news editor Rachel Telljohn can be reached at